Pre-Wedding Honeymoon

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[Como, Italy | Pre-Wedding Vacation]
Ezgi and Ozgur spent several weeks in Como, Italy. Everyday was filled with pure bliss, enjoying scopes of gelato, swimming in the pristine waters, soaking up the sun and of course wild, untamed sex every morning and night. It was truly heaven on earth, Ozgur thought as he swept the hair off Ezgi sleeping face, if only Ezgi knew how happy she makes him. When he gave LaGabbia to Tolga to protect Ezgi, he told her that there is nothing more important than her. It is true, even now the feelings had grown stronger. For a man who had never truly love, he wasn't sure love of such intensity is possible. Maybe he had loved Derin, but now that he looked back, thats hardly love, puppy love, he would have never given up LaGabbia for Derin. For Ezgi, he would have capture the moon if she wanted. He told Ozan LaGabbia was home but Ezgi ... he belonged to Ezgi, a home without Ezgi is just an empty shell. "Ozgur" Ezgi sleepy raspy voice broke his thoughts, "we need to go back to Istanbul." She gently nudge him. Ozgur looked at her innocent face and felt his heart filled with immeasurable bliss, if every morning of his life is filled with Ezgi, he would be satisfied.

Ozgur planted a kiss on her cheeks, then on her forehead, and on the nape of her neck just below her ear. She moans slightly as Ozgur felt the hardness in his pants, "hmm... lets stay for a few more days..."

Ezgi and Ozgur extended their trip 4 times, only coming back to Istanbul one month later. Ozgur had even thought of purchasing the Italian property as their second home but alas work calls. Ozan is barely handling work alone and he desperately needs Ozgur expertise in restaurants management.

[Istanbul Airport]
"Feels good to be home" Ezgi said as she breathe in the Turkish air. "You are my home" Ozgur said as he looked at her, "everywhere feels good with you" he smile softly. "Oh cheesy Ozgur" Ezgi retorted, Ezgi never could fathom the kind of pick up lines Ozgur had picked up over the years of womanising. When he told her she will pluck the moon for her, she laughed, cheesy indeed and how many woman had he told this line to. He insisted he had told no one else but she still laughs. She thought that is a perk of dating someone who is significantly more experienced than her. Still, the thought of Ozgur whispering sweet nothing to random woman pisses her off sometimes, but thats all in the past. He gave up LaGabbia for her, that is prove enough that he love her and she is very happy with him. That certainly is not the only perk of dating Mr Wrong, the ex womaniser is also fucking great in bed and after weeks of daily fucking, she wants it now too. Making love with Ozgur was a novel experience, he knows all the pleasure points and is always so passionate. She lean up and kiss him directly on the nape of his neck close to his chin, his activation spot, he moans lightly and immediately grab her in a passionate heated kiss in the parking lot. "We will go back and continue this" he whisper breathlessly as they part, Ezgi nodded enthusiastically.

[Several days later - Istanbul Penthouse]
Ezgi had bought over Cansu penthouse with the profits she had made from the investment in LaGabbia and Ozgur's very generous "loan". "I will pay you back Ozgur." Ezgi said as she signed the contract Denise prepared. She will be a home owner very soon! "Its a gift my dear, I have said this countless time, it is not a loan" he quips and shoot Denise a exasperated look, "how do you deal with her for so many years? She wont even let me love her properly. What's wrong with paying for your lover?" Denise shrugs but he is right, Ezgi had suffered enough in love and should be love proper. "Ezgi, you have signed the papers without his name so technically, you are not legally liable to pay him back" Denise advice, coaxing her friend to accept his offer. Ezgi eyes immediately shot up, "oh no no no no you tricked me! Make me a IOU! I will sign it." "I will not" Ozgur said flatly. Denise has no intention of meddling the couple affair, "in any case, when is the wedding?" She said at an attempt to divert the topic. Ezgi face instantly turned serious and stern, she had been worrying about the wedding for sometime now. She's not sure if it should be in Gocek or Bursa or Istanbul, if three weddings were too much but their family are all across the nation. She had not settled the dress, the invitation list and the never ending list of tiny details. As an organiser, it becomes a occupational illness in that she pay too much details into events. She sigh "I am not sure where to start." Denise consoles her, "Don't worry. You are an organiser, should be an easy feat" "But this is my wedding, it has to be perfect. I am, well hopefully, only doing it once." She said. "Hey what do you mean hopefully only doing it once! Are you thinking of divorcing me before we even married?" Ozgur demanded as he throw some peanuts at her. Denise take this as her cue to leave, this couple is always very passionate indeed. "I will go now" Denise announced as Ozgur and Ezgi continue to throw peanuts at each other and ignored her. She clicked the door close and thought well this will be interesting.

[Ozgur-Ezgi Penthouse, later that night]
After their round of peanut throwing, they decided to have sex. Its an odd feeling living with someone you love. You would have to bear all emotions and expect understanding. "I am sorry for implying I'll remarried today" Ezgi said as she tucked herself under his arm. Ozgur bring her close and kiss her on the forehead, "Yes, you better not leave me. I am serious, I cannot live without you." Ezgi chuckled, another one of Ozgur pick up lines. Ozgur cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes in all seriousness and said "I am very serious Ezgi. That one time I left you after your birthday, I couldn't sleep for days, I couldn't eat heck sometimes I couldn't breathe. I feel like a zombie, like a shell of what I am. I am nothing without you Ezgi." Ezgi looked at Ozgur's earnest eyes, full of love and nothing but the truth. She felt her heart overwhelming with bliss, how can God be so good to her? How can life be so great? A handsome, rich and most importantly a man who love her greatly? This has to be a dream. A dream she never wants to wake up from.

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