Is Mr Wrong right?

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The sound of Ezgi heaving in the toilet woke Ozgur up that morning. It startled him and he ran straight into the washroom, holding up her hair. Ezgi looked pale and was holding her stomach. "Ezgi let me bring you to the doctor" Ozgur said softly, it breaks his heart to see his Ezgi in pain, she is so small and fragile, how could he protect her? "I am fine" Ezgi insisted, it has been the third time this week since she vomited in the morning, she had been feeling bloated but she chalked it up to her impending menses, it probably is right around the corner hence the discomfort. "Dont worry, its probably just bad food" Ezgi said as she tries to comfort Ozgur, he is so cute when he worries. "Ezgi you only ate from LaGabbia the past few days, Ozan and I and hundreds of customers ate the same thing. We are all perfectly fine." Ozgur reasoned, why cant her fragile little darling sees that she need to see a doctor. "Fine fine" Ezgi said, "I will go look for Cansu and see a doctor alright?" "Thats better" Ozgur said as he kiss her lightly on her head, "come I will make you a cup of tea. You will rest today." Ezgi was about to protest, she had to plan for wedding, the store monthly promotion, she cant afford any rest. "Ah no nope nope. I know that face Ezgi, there is no point acting cute around me." Ozgur said firmly. "Fine" Ezgi surrenders.

"Ezgi you are pregnant." The doctor announced after some simple test. "What?" Ezgi was shocked to say the least but truth be told, Ezgi already had a creeping suspicion but could not believed that it would happened so soon. She blames the wild sex in Italy, some nights they had shagged and slept without cleaning. How irresponsible Ezgi! She mentally slaps herself. "Would you like me to refer you to the residential gynaecologist?" The doctor said. "NO." Oh hell no, Sedar works in this hospital, he will tell Levant or his sister and soon everyone will know. No, she wish to explore her options, she isn't even sure if she should keep this baby. Sure, she wants one and with a man she greatly love but it seems a little too soon. She had Ozgur for maybe 6 months and it seems like a whirlwind romance but then she had spent 3 years with her manipulative ex-boyfriend. She is not sure at all. The doctor seems to understand her silence and seeing her squirm without her husband, she offered "It is still early, an abortion can be easily done. This is the ultrasound you can take a few days to think. Dont worry, the reports are confidential. You can seek professional guidance from other hospitals as well. If you are considering an abortion, you still have a few weeks to think through. Do consider it throughly, I will dismissed you with no medications until you are ready." She said with a reassuring smile. Ezgi looked up at her, an abortion? That's an option. "Thank you dr" she said absent-mindedly as she paid and left. She wanders for a while before sitting on a bench in a park to collect her thoughts, forgetting all about her lunch with Cansu.

"Ezgi! Ezgi! Earth to Ezgi!" Ozgur called out as he frantically wave in front of her face. Ezgi has been behaving oddly the whole day, avoiding kisses and refusing to go on a dinner date with Ozgur. She always love dinner dates Ozgur thought, this is certainly very peculiar and she seems to be unwell each morning as well. "Hmm yeah I am fine" Ezgi said as she holds out her magazine, she's not sure how to break the news. He did once said he would happy if she was pregnant when Cansu had her pregnant scare. Maybe hers is a pregnancy scare as well, that will be a relief. Ozgur looked at her with puzzling eyes, "Beloved, you are holding the book upside down. Out with it, what happened?" "Nothing I swear" Ezgi insisted, now is not the time yet. "What did the doctor said? Was it serious? Cansu said she didnt meet you." Ozgur eyes now full of worry. "I am fine, stop asking me about it" Ezgi snapped, she's tired of his questioning and needed space to think." baby i am sorry. I an just worried. You have been running to the toilet each morning and behaving weirdly today. You know you can tell me anything, I can help you." Ozgur said softly, his eyes shone with such sincerity, Ezgi cant help but kiss him. "You are so cute when you worry, I am fine, I am just tired thats all" she reassured him. "Hmm ok" Ozgur said not fully convinced but didnt want to probe further, he held her closely and nuzzled his face in her hair. "Oh, Yezmin is coming for the photoshoot tomorrow." Ezgi reminded Ozgur, hoping he divert the topic. "Hmm you know i dont approve that. Sedar and Yezmin are like the cunning siblings, who knows what kind of article she will write." Ozgur cringed at the thought of Bay Yanlis. "Hmm but without them we might never be together Ozgur. She wrote that magazine so you had to find someone to pretend to be your girlfriend and I wanted Sedar." Ezgi said, her last few words illicit a growl from Ozgur. "I cant believe you wanted him when I was there all along. I was even jealous of him at my sisters wedding" Ozgur hated him even then and to hear that Ezgi had at one point wanted Sedar still made his blood boil. "Oh you were jealous then? I guess I captured Mr Wrong's heart early" Ezgi smirk, its always nice to hear about the rare moments Ozgur admitted to being jealous, his large ego would have never allowed it. "I love you then, heck I might have even love you on the taxi then!" Ozgur smiled but really he knew the first night she kissed him in that hotel, he was hers. Someway or another, he might have worked his way back to find her, she intrigued him, as annoying as it was, he wanted to understand her, why this woman believed in love despite not receiving it? Maybe he could try to convert her to Ms Wrong? Maybe he could teach her? But now he knows, when Cansu and Denise warned her of him, really they should have warned him of her, how she would completely and throughly possessed his heart and being. She could have easily destroyed him if she wanted to, leave him and run away for a better man and he would be left to pick the pieces of his heart forever. "Ozgur! Ozgur! Earth to Ozgur!" Ezgi said mirroring what Ozgur did earlier, "May I know what is Mr Wrong thinking of?" Ozgur looked at her and smile, the revelation that he had found "the one", "I love you" he murmured and kiss her.


Ezgi accepted an interview and photoshoot with Yezmin, claiming it would repair Ozgur's image and provide great publicity for the restaurant. Ezgi is after all a partner now and should be formally introduced to the F&B industry. At the restaurant, Yezmin took some photos and asked some pressing and leading questions. "Do you really trust Ozgur? Is the is Ozgur really gone? How will the relationship go?" She rolled her eyes when Yezmin said a leopard never changes it's spots. She know Ozgur and she knows he's a good man. "I am sorry Yezmin, I hope you dont take offence. I accepted the interview on grounds of promoting the restaurant, I will not be answering questions regarding my private life. I hope you understand." Yezmin smiled, Ezgi is a smart woman, she knows what her motives are but that will not stopped her from sowing some seeds of discord. "Ezgi darling, of course I understand. Dont worry, I will send you a manuscript before I publish." She said reassuringly. "Oh thank you! Thats very kind of you" Ezgi said sincerely, seems like she had indeed changed. She smiled as their gazes float towards Ozgur who was smiling at Ezgi the entire afternoon. Yezmin looked at Ezgi and then at Ozgur, "Ezgi, I have to say the transformation in Ozgur is astonishing, I had known him for some years now as an acquaintance, never knew him quite closely until we had sex but you seemed to have really changed Mr Wrong." Ezgi rolled her eyes, here she is thinking Yezmin had changed. Before she was about to rebut, Yezmin cut in, "I am but one of hundreds of women whom he had been with. I dont harbour thoughts of a relationship so its fine but does it ever bother you about his past relationships? How is it possible that amongst hundreds of women, none came close to what he desired except for you? Surely, there are a few other women who had had a firm place in his heart. What happened to these women?" Yezmin saw Ezgi fore lorn look and knew she had sow the seeds in her brain. "But you know thats just what I thought. I mean you obviously look very happy with him and him with you. Dont worry about what I said. Its just my mindless chatter. I will be leaving now, thanks again for the interview." She said as she leave, waving Ozgur goodbye.

"Baby" Ozgur said as he slide down on the couch beside her, "are you ok? You seems to be very distracted these days." "Yeah i am fine. I dont feel so well. Can I go home early today?" She said, she had much to process. Ozgur held her hand worriedly, "baby can you tell me what the doctors told you? Is it serious? Or is that something else that I should know?" "Dont worry, the doctor just said its acid reflux its fine, maybe I have been busy so I am skipping some meals but its ok" she reassured him again, lying. "Ok well you are too stress, come let me help you de-stress" Ozgur said as he gently smirked, intended to plant a passionate kiss on her lips. "Ozgur we am at work!" Ezgi said shyly, Ozgur seems to never shy away from the fact that he was greatly in love with her. "Come on, the entire Istanbul will soon know I am yours and you are mine, are you still shy?" Ozgur tease her. "You are mine?" Ezgi asked, puzzling signals all around, what should she do? He seems to really love her but Yezmin is right, she should know him and his history better before committing to a family with him. Lavent's daughter and her are just some great examples of how kids suffered in failed marriage, she dont want her future child to suffer if this marriage doesn't work out. "Deep in thoughts again my Ezgi, fine you shall go home and rest" Ozgur said as he gently tapped her head, " I will see you at home"

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