The End

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December of 2021 - Bursa | Almost a year later

Ozgur had made several trips to Bursa since and Ezgi's parents had always been inviting, they seem to treat him better than his mum despite not being their daughter's boyfriend anymore. They would usually keep quiet when Ozgur asked about Ezgi but just being around Ezgi's loved ones made him happy. He was there again this afternoon with his mother and Ozan, having lunch when he saw her again.

Ozgur saw her from a distance. He wasn't sure initially, it could have been a figment of his imagination, as it often appears in the past year. He dreams of her, sometimes she would imagine her laughing or her silly comments about things he would do. But this Ezgi, looks too real. He suddenly found it hard to breathe, as if a fist over his heart tightening. Ezgi is here. Ezgi whom he had wished to see more than anything is here. Yet now that she is here, he is rendered speechless, the words of begging all out of the window. He fought the urge to wrapped his arms around her, oh just the feeling of burying his face into her hair again, he wanted it so badly. He would kill and die for it. But Ezgi was not alone, Sekan was behind him and in his arms, a tiny baby.

Shit. It all clicked at once and it felt like someone had shot him right in his chest. He is struggling to breathe now as tears welled up in his eyes. He made a poor excuse for the washroom, heck he doesn't even know what he said. He needed to leave, he had to leave. He ignored the questioning glares from his mother and Ozan, the pity stares from Ezgi's mother and walked. His walk turned into a sprint and he had to leave, he had to go as far away as possible. He ran and ran and ran until he felt like his legs were giving way and he screamed and wailed. Ezgi, the woman he dreamt of everyday, the woman whom he love more than anything, belongs to someone else. Pain is an understatement, Ozgur felt as if his heart has been dragged out and squeezed dry. Was love suppose to hurt like this? He sobbed and sobbed, willing for the pain to go. He took out his penknife and started carving his skin, the physical pain a welcome distraction. Fuck what has Ezgi drove me to, am I self harming? He thought but that didnt stop him. He carved a pool of blood as if translating his pain into physical scars. Maybe if I showed Ezgi, she will come back to me? Maybe she would know the pain? He shamelessly and naively thought, "Why would she want a broken man?" Ozgur felt the world blacking out around him, his last words were Ezgi.

Ozgur had left for almost 3 hours, it was dark now and Ozan had assured everyone that he will looked for him, he is probably in the forest. But he knows the pain Ozgur is in, Ezgi had left him to start an entire family with someone else while Ozgur naively waited for her. A family he wanted so badly with her. Ezgi's parents fed him while they watched as this poor man asked about Ezgi. They knew all along that Ozgur still love Ezgi greatly but they didn't say anything. Denise knew too but she never divulge much information, he knew Denise didn't want Ozan to tell Ozgur and spare him of this moral dilemma but he was Ozgur friend and he still didn't understand why until he saw Ezgi's baby today. This was why, she had a child ... without Ozgur. She started a life without him. His heart breaks for his best friend.

"Ozgur!" Ozan found him first, by the forest lake, in a pool of dried blood. What the fuck happened. Ozan thought Ozgur was mauled by an animal but he saw the penknife, he quickly hide it before anyone could see. "Its best they think he injured by animals" Ozan reasoned, he felt bad but this is better for Ozgur's mother.. He quickly called the ambulance and Ozgur's mum for help. Ozgur had to be airlifted as they were deep in the forest. His mum accompanied him on the ride, "Oh Ozgur!" His mum cried as she came closely, "my son!"

[Istanbul Hospital]

"Ezgi Ezgi EZGI!" Ozgur shouted as he was jolted awake, his last memory of Ezgi and ... Serkan... and a baby? Fuck. "Ozgur, Ozgur you are awake!" Ozgur mum called out frantically, "My dear son!" "Mum. I ... I ... I am so sorry mum." Ozgur cried as his mum held him in her arms. Ozgur felt horrible that his mum had to see him like this but what he saw completely broke him, beyond repair, he can never go back to Bursa again. Ezgi's parents place was his coping mechanism, how is he going to cope now knowing that Ezgi and him are absolutely impossible.

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