The Beach~Dizzy Dyl

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No ones Pov

Y/n Baylen, Kyle, Peej, and y/n's boyfriend Dizzy Dyl where all crammed into the black pearl on there way to Miami for the weekend. Dylan was middle with his girlfriend y/n on his right and Kyle on his left, and in the front was Peej, and Baylen was driving. Everyone was having their own conversation while Baylen was screaming One Night by lil Yachty.

Your pov
My eyes slowly fluttered open as I felt an arm around me, I looked up and saw Dylan a small smile sneaks onto my lips as I shut my eyes again.

"WAKE UP LOVEBIRDS WE ARE HERE" "That's a nice thing to wake up to, thanks Baylen" I hear Dylan say as a loud grunt manages to escape my lips. "Y/n you ok?" "Yeah thanks Dyl" I say with a small smile, as a cuddle more into him.
Dizzys Pov
I grab me and y/n's bags and walk inside the place we are staying. "Hey y/n are those bags look really heavy" I say, sarcasm lacing my voice. "Yeah they are do you think you could take one?" She says sarcastically. Then everyone bursts into laughter.

I love her so much
A couple of hours pass and we hadn't really been doing anything we were just watching a movie, then y/n spoke up "Do you guys wanna go to the beach before the sun fully sets?" Everyone agrees and we made our way down to the beach. Once we got there

y/n asked if I could take some photos for Instagram, as the sun was setting. While I was taking her photos all I could think about was how perfect she was and how lucky I was to have her.

Chapter too done. Also sorry this was quite rushed.

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