Peej~The Concert

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Peej pov

I start to walk back stage with Baylen, Kyle and Sebas, we were all talking and laughing. My heart rate starts to race when I see a figure coming from the entrance.

No one else is supposed to be back here. I thought to my self my mind racing on who it could be. As soon as I saw who it was it felt like everything was in slow motion.

Y/n. My girlfriend who I haven't seen in 2 years is here.

I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her warm waist and, I felt her arms snake around my waist. It felt like there was no one else in the room and it was just us, until she spoke up. "I missed you so much." "You have no idea how much I missed you I mumbled so just her could hear it.

Y/n Pov
I was walking past people in the crowd getting a wierd look from people when I walked past security, to back stage. A mix of excitement, nervousness and worry was what I was feeling. I was going to see Pj after 2 years of long distance. I hadn't seen him in too years because I had to move too New Zealand too be the main actor in a tv series, I was only supposed to be gone for under a year but I got held back because of covid. I definitely missed Peej the most out of everyone cause we hung out everyday, we have been dating for 3 years now. (two of them being long distance).
Before I knew it I was in Pj's arms. I didn't realize how much I missed him.

After the show
It was after the show and I had just stayed backstage, I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself. But by the time the show was over I was in a car with a bunch of sweaty smelly boys. We were about 10 Minutes in to the car ride and I couldn't take the smell.

"Baylen please pull over quick it's an emergency" "why are you ok" Peej said worried. "Everybody get out of the car" everyone piled out of the car and one by one I sprayed them with my hello kitty perfume. And made them put more deodorant on. I'm happy they had fun but they stunk like bad.

We were all back at the house and they all had a shower, I didn't have one cause I already had one this morning.

We all were on the couch watching Shrek. I could see Kyle and baylen basically cuddled up to each other, and Pj had his arm wrapped around me while I was snuggled close to him. "Y/n" I felt Peej whisper in my ear. "Yeah?" "Do you wanna go to bed now? It's like 2am."
We both stood up and told the rest of them we were going to bed. He held my hand and lead me to his room.
As soon as we got in their I changed into one of his jerseys and some sweatpants, and cuddled up with him and we went to sleep.

Authors note.
536 words 🥱
Also thanks for like 27 reads on my first
Chapter thingy.
Stay piratey
Also please give me more ideas I have no ideas what to do

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