First Date~Dizzy Dyl

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Y/n Pov
I was lying down with my best friend Dizzy laying next to me. His arm was loosely wrapped around my shoulders and I was resting my head on his bare chest. I have always had a small feeling for him but I knew he would never like me like that. We had such a good relationship and I didn't want to lose him.

I was about to fall asleep and then he spoke up.
"Hey y/n?"
"Do you wanna go on a date with me tomorrow"
As soon as I heard those words come out of his mouth I wasn't sleepy anymore. I shot up into a sitting position and by the look on his face he was serious.

"Why?" I asked in the most questionable voice I have ever heard.
"Because." He took a deep breath before continuing

"I have always liked you y/n I have just been to scared to tell you, and I don't know about you but I have been feeling way more so much more closer to you lately."
It took a couple minutes for me to process all of that.
"Why." "Why do you like me out of all people, you could have liked someone like y/b/n" (your best friends name)
"I like cause your funny, sarcastic, nice to the people you want to be, kinda smart, and your really pretty"
"Awh thanks Dizzy" I start to feel my cheeks heating up so I pull him into a warm hug.

"So what do you say to that date huh?"
" Of course I will go on a date with you Dizzy"

The next day..
I wake up and check my socials and see a message from Dizzy pop up on my screen. It says 'hey when will u be ready for our date?' a message back and say around 3pm. He leaves me on read I check the time and realize it's already 2 shit I need to get ready.

Dizzys Pov
As I was driving to y/n's apartment nervousness rushed threw my body. I have gone on heaps of dates but none like this. This was my best friend if this didn't work out she wouldn't be my best friend anymore.

Your pov
I walked outside once I saw dizzys car parked outside. I started to get really nervous and worried that this whole thing was a joke

At the date.
As Dizzy pulls up to the place I start too see that Dizzy took us to an amusement park. My favourite place.
"I heard you talking about how much you wanted to come here to Kyle and Baylen"
"This is amazing Dizzy thank you so much"
We got out of the car and got our tickets I we went on a few rides and we're waiting in line for the ferris wheel.
I felt my hand get warmer and a looked down and saw Dylan's hand in mine. I felt my cheeks start to warm up.
We got on the ride and we were at the top.
Me and Dizzy looked at each other. My heart started racing as I saw him leaning in, as we were about to kiss the ride started moving and we both pulled away.
Damn it now it was awkward.

I ran to one of the games and asked him to win me one of the teddy's.
"Dizzy can you please win me one of those teddy's?"
"Which one?"
"The pink one" he gave the money to the man and and won me the teddy. I started jumping up and down in exciment.
I didn't think and I kissed him I quickly pull away.
"Omg I am so sorry I didn't think"
"No it's fine" he says and leans back in and we kiss again.
We head back to his house and we were both talking about heaps of different things.
When we got home we watched Shrek and I fell asleep in his jersey laying on his stomach.
This was one of the most nights of my life.

Authors Note
699 words
Thanks sm for all the reads y'all are godly. (In a good way)
Keep slaying

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