chapter 1

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amber:this bed was so good thx darius and raine


darius:yeah ähm sleep he always

i and amber we have long talk

derwin:gosh raine
can you a member found a boy how me
not girls the his bored

both :0

amber want derwin hurt
katya hold on to Amber

katya:amber no

amber:oho he is death

raine:ok stop fight
me and darius eberwolf we have your things

huh raine


amber,had you that photo my family

raine:ofc amber

katya:hh is very good

raine:glad me to hear katy ^^

derwin:so raine and darius what is you plan

raine:we have think the rebel name

katya:but what is the batts name

raine:oh katya we his always ok
the number 1 😉

amber:yay ^^



raine:hh we need break



katya:i have always most to think

raine:coven against the throne aka

darius:what is with the bard

amber:you and amber you his no bard

eberwolf anaims noises:i like :)

katya remebre that human


katya:hey cat girl

flashback the end


raine:huh coven against the throne aka cats that is amazing ^^


darius:i agree not that name

amber:i agree the name

derwin:same girl

you stay here

amber:raine :( want you that i and katya derwin so long here stay

raine:amber no
you go outside go ok and plz stay not long outside

raine:i and darius eberwolf go back castel

amber:ok raine ^^ we love you

raine:aww same

the hugs raine
raine hugs back

eberwolf:aww 🥺

amber:hey come her

darius:ähm no thx you
right eber eber

darius notice
that eber the bats and raine hugs

darius and raine eberwolf go now back Castle

darius:ohoh terra is back

raine:oh hi terra ^^ heh

terra:raine here is you're tea

raine:thx you

raine whistles

darius rembre raine whistles as the hexside was

flashback back

darius:eww gross

raine voice:are you help

darius look the new bard student

darius:oh you are the new
eda is at trining

raine:i know
i can you help as you that trink had
may I


raine whistle

raine:don't worry

darius trink

darius;amazing :0 how had you that make

raine tell darius about that bard

darius:cool i am darius

raine:raine ^^

someone pushes raine

us was odalia and alador

odalia:ops Sorry hahah


darius:abomination rise

abomination grab odalia

odalia:my hair
are you kidden me

darius:ops sorry odalia
i had pay attention

alador:why go you with the bord bard

darius:hey they had a name
ok and stay away
you hacker

raine think:hacker

alador:i have no idea what you meant
come odalia

both go

raine:ähm why say you hacker you're friends

darius:we was friends
but he is a hacker he had what make
no idea how he make had

raine:mm ok i have to go i have a theater


raine:oh ok

darius:you are very bad raine

raine 😑



raine:hi eda
so bye darius

raine and eda go

eda: since you and darius are friends

raine:yes we his friends think i

darius smile and go

flashback the end

raine:darius come you

darius:yes i coming

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