7: Another Dilemma

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As was their tradition every Thursday, Thea woke up extra early to meet her brothers before breakfast. They had spent the majority of daybreak in the Clock Tower — able to chat openly about family affairs without wandering ears nearby. Kaleb questioned about the debacle with Thea's careless magic and Simon assured him he would handle it. Everyone was also notably careful not to mention Sirius Black.

It had been a particularly short meeting since they had only been back at school for less than a week, but the familiarity of the routine was welcomed by all of the siblings. Afterward, the Beowulf children made their way to the Great Hall, now talking about casual matters as Kaleb told the eldest two about seeing Thea on the hippogriff.

"Our little sister was quite amazing," Kaleb joked before messing up her hair. "I'm not one to boast about any of you idiots but her flying on that thing was absolutely brilliant! Then the giant squid came flying out and—"

She rolled her eyes. "It barely surfaced."

"Don't be modest now, Little Sister," Wyatt urged as he threw an arm around her. "You've got the runt all-star struck. Enjoy it."

"Yeah, I remember when it was us," Simon stepped in.

Wyatt folded his hands and put them to the side of his face. "Oh, Big Brother, you're so cool," he gushed, mocking a younger Kaleb.

"Big Brother, you're the greatest," Simon added.

Kaleb's cheeks had become Gryffindor red before he punched both of the boys in the shoulder. "Shut up."

"You don't deny it," Wyatt sang. He instantly began to speed up his steps, already knowing what his little brother's reaction would be.

Kaleb took off and Wyatt broke into a sprint. They both shot down the hall. Wyatt abruptly stopped before taking a sharp right turn down another hall, Kaleb sliding behind him, nearly missing the turn before he followed.

Both Simon and Alethea were left laughing at the sight of their brothers. "Wyatt's just jealous that his admirer is in love with the Weasley brothers now," Simon sighed.

Thea laughed again before she hopped up onto one of the long, stone benches that lined the corridor. She walked along it, one foot after the other as if on a balance beam. Simon watched her every step. It was a habit of his. When she was younger, she was prone to attempting to balance on things that were far too much for her, and Simon was accustomed to watching her steps to prepare if she fell.

"Honestly," he spoke with his gaze glued to her feet, "I'm a little jealous that my admirer is spending so much time with Malfoy."

Thea got to the end of the bench and hopped off before glancing up at her oldest brother. "Who said I ever admired you?"

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