The Salem Trial

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As much as I loved the expression he had on his face, I totally suck at japanese. Can I chose to take a second language exam? Score a few points with russian but what about mathematics? For God's sake, I'm an athlete, I only went to school for a clean record. I won't make it in.

Wait, what if I can take an athlete's exam? I participated in international competitions, won nationals, got my file ready for the national crew-

Oh, I got it done, but now it's useless. My dream is useless.

To think that I studied so hard so I can het a citizenship only to get into the Olympics team, all for what?



The past few days have been shit. Study, eat, sleep, study, study, study, oh seriously! How much can really enter my dried sponge of a brain!? This is pure torture!


“Eh? What?”

“That was a bit rud- matters not, it seems you are nervous.”

“No, just excited to win.”

No, nope, nada, niet, I am so nervous I could faint right here, right now. Why has he stopped?

“This is it.” he speaks as he holds thw straos of his school bag.

Looks like he is more scrared than me.


What a change in character, from a scardy cat to a determined watchdog. His eyes remind me of Yuri's. Whenever he had a competition, he used to be on edge, won't talk to anyone except yelling profanities, the same a cat would scrath when ir was scred, yet once he stepped in the rink, his eyes weren't ones of a cat, but a lion watchimg his pray, ready to devour it.

I was always simpler. I just kept quiet so no one would know of what I was feeling, why sould I hive them the clousure of thinking their adversary was just as nervous as them? When I shut up and looked at the ice, they were getting chills, the ones I had just from competing with amazing skaters. Yuri always knew of this, so he often offered me snaks to crunch on, saying that the sound of something crushed should calm me.
A phsycotic idiot.

“ -hours, please start!”

What? When did I make it in the classroom? Oh I have to start!

Even though I am in a separate class, the ecam is still weird, even for an athlete. I wonder what kind of face Tobio made when he saw me going the other way!

Shut up brain! Let's do this! Let's get in!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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