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I put on my sweatshirt and left the room with Parker.

-So what should I do? - He asked as we entered the elevator.

-Jump into your outfit and see if anyone is following me - I explained, still seeing the green glow I was going to follow.


I stood in front of the building and a spider appeared next to me.

-Stay here - I asked going inside

A ray led me to the door with the number six. I knocked inside and an elderly woman opened it for me.

-Hello? - Asked

-Are you Matteo's Grandmother? - I asked and she was watching me suspiciously.

-Yes and what was found? - She inquired with hope.

-I'm Ariana his friend left me a clue - I sighed heartbroken - This address I know it will sound very stupid but I have to search his room maybe there I will find another clue-I explained

-This medal - She started touching my neck - Belonged to him

-He has his own me too - I explained and the woman let me in.

-His father left him as he was a little mother died a few days after giving birth - She began to tell- She started talking about the Norse gods he also had so oh - She pointed me to the black door. - It's his room when you find him ask him to come home

-Yes I will - I answered when I entered the room

It was gray with black furniture. The bookcase was full of books. On the desk some papers. He also had a cork board on which there was a mass of sheets.


After an hour of rummaging, I found notes about the portal. I scooped them up and notes about the prophecy. I left the room seeing an elderly woman holding a picture in her hand.

-It's my little Matteo so similar to my mother and father, I miss him.- She said heartbroken

-I'll bring it here I have more tips - I explained

-Do you believe what he says? - She asked and I frowned - That his father is God, that he too is the same - Explained

-Yes, if it wasn't for your grandson I could have lost my life, I was kidnapped and taken to where I was kidnapped from and he found me and helped me - I explained - I give you the word I will find it

-Thank you - The woman replied, smiling sadly.

-Have a nice evening - Saying this, I left the apartment


I was already sitting in my room reading prophecies.

The Son of God will appear on earth. His powers will be revealed when he meets a woman with a heart of gold. worthy of the throne of Asgard. The one that will change the fate of the Sons of Odin and the descendant of God.

I put down the paper and started reading about the portal. One was in New York. But it can only be activated by power. I sighed as I hid my notes in a drawer.

Someone knocked on my room. I went to the closet pulling out my dress.

-welcome! - I screamed and Sam came in.

-How do you feel there? - He asked and I grimaced.-The party is already starting maybe you will come down to us? - He asked smiling

-Sam give me 10 minutes I'm about to go down - I explained

-Remember waiting in front of the room - Saying this, he came out

I dressed up in a golden dress. I styled my hair and did a light makeup.


Sam and I walked into a room full of guests and avengers. My head was full of thoughts I had to bounce Matteo. In addition, to oppose God Himself. But then, now my father's party. I have to pretend that they don't realize that he plans to go to Asgard.

-Hello Ariano - Nat said when I sat down at the bar next to Wanda.

-Hey, martini at once - I said cheerful

-And what is this change of humor? - Wanda asked

-I talked to Peter and he made me feel better.-I explained and the redhead served me a drink

-Five seconds - She whispered and I tilted the glass, delaying the contents. Then someone took an empty vessel from my hands. I turned my head when I saw the captain.

-She is a minor-He started and I rolled my eyes

-Chill it out- Started Nat

-Oh my daughter, how was the day there? - Stark asked

-Great and where is Pepper? - I asked while looking around

-Sitting in the room is tired - Explained

For a moment there was an awkward silence. I got up and went to the balcony. I stood there staring at the moon. The party was in full swing and I was only thinking about the words of the older woman.


I was already sitting in my room. I took a shower and went to bed. I already had a plan tomorrow morning I have to slip out. I will find the hidden portal and bring Matteo back to earth.

How do you feel today?

"What a father such a daughter " Where stories live. Discover now