Chapter Seven~

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*Please note that I've written this entire chapter on my iPad so I apologize if there are any errors.*

Chloe's POV:

"Turn up the music!" I said to Jake, making him crank up the volume to the speakers

My stomach made a very unattractive sound which was my fault, I should've ate something before I agreed to going to Reese's house.

"Now, we really need to do something about that." Reese said, obviously referring to my stomach

"No, I'm fine" i insisted

"Chloe, has anyone ever told you that you're a terrible liar?" Reese laughed

"I am not! I'm probably the best you've ever seen!" I protested

"So you admit that you're lying?" Jake smirked

"Argh, alright, whatcha got?" I asked in defeat

Reese just laughed.

"I dunno, I suppose we can make something?" Reese suggested

"No way, no more baking for me." I said, referring to that day Jesse and I made lunch.

"Haha alright. How about we order from Dairy Queen?" Reese shrugged

"That sounds great." I said grinning

"Yeah! They have the best fries too." Jake said

"Alright, I'll go ahead and give them a call so they can deliver." Reese grinned

"Okay." Jake and I said in unison

After 5 short minutes, Reese came back

"Until they deliver the food, what should we do?" Reese asked

"We could play questions?" Jake suggested

"Yep, that's probably the only thing we can do right now." I said

"Okay." Reese said as he walked us to the living room and we said on the ground in a circle

"Alrightie then, Chloe, have you ever ate ketchup by itself?" Jake asked

"Ew, no" I said

Jake laughed

"Hmmm Reese, how do you and Camilla know each other?" I asked

"Oh man, Camilla Lomardi?!" Jake laughed

"Yeah" I said, wondering what part about that was funny

"She's in my class and my friend Garett's sister" Reese rolled his eyes

"Then how do you know Jesse?" He asked questioningly

"Best friend from school" I smiled

"My turn, Reese who's the girl you like at the moment?" Jake raised an eyebrow at Reese

I covered my mouth to stifle my laughter

"No one." Reese snarled

"Aw come onnn. Tell!" I said

"I don't like anyone! I swear!" Reese groaned

I didn't want to push it any further than that so I just dropped the subject

"Jake, what's on the top of your bucket list?" I asked

"Hmmm.. Probably visiting the pink beach in India." Jake grinned

I laughed

"Nice!" I smiled at him

"Thanks." He said with a smug smile

We continued to play for a whole hour which was how long it took for them to deliver our food.

It's a good thing that they delivered it now because I have never been more starving in my life but I could bet that Reese and Jake were too, you could tell since our stomachs were making unattractive sounds.

"How far is your house from Dairy Queen?!" I gasped at the doorbell

"Pretty far." Reese smirked

I watched Reese get up to go answer the door to get the burgers from the delivery person.

I was about to reply but was cut off by the vibration of my iPhone in my pocket, apparently, I've gotten a text from Jesse. I was kind of upset with him. He said we would hang out but we didn't. Instead, he just let me know that he has other plans in the last minute.

I sighed in aggravation before deciding to look at the text.

Where are you? I went to your house and your mom answered the door saying that you went to a friend's house -Jesse

Does he think I'm going to wait for him all day? Did he forget that HE was the one who canceled our plans? It's none of his business, he shouldn't need to know where I am. He's lucky enough to know I'm at a friend's house but now he wants details?

I decided to ignore the text

"Are you okay, Chloe? You look like you could beat the hell outta that screen." Jake said, glancing at the space between my phone and I.

"Yeah, seriously, what did the poor screen ever do to you?" Reese laughed

"You are so funny." I said sarcastically

"I'm surprised you didn't figure until now." Jake gasped

I rolled my eyes at Jake

"So, where's the food?" Jake said excitingly to enlighten the mood

"Right here!" Reese grinned happily as he gave each of us our burgers and fries.

I was eating pretty quick due to the delay and hunger but it was worth it. I decided to swallow the bite of the delicious burger.

Reese and Jake were looking at me eat in amusement

I raised an eyebrow at them but it didn't seem to affect their facial expressions in any way.

"Nah, you just eat weirdly for a girl." Jake laughed

"So glad that I'm keeping you amused." I laughed

"Nope. Believe it or not, I'm the one keeping everyone in this house amused right now since I'm the host." Reese winked at us

"Hey!" I laughed

I groaned in frustration when I received another text which I was pretty sure from Jesse

Curiosity filled my brain of what it would say so I decided to check it

Fine, don't answer. If this is how you want it. -Jesse

I was speechless and no words could describe the bitter feeling that filled every inch of my body.

"Is everything okay?" Reese asked worriedly

"Yeah, everything's fine." I lied

I wasn't sure of what to think of Jesse, but I'm pretty sure that I don't like this side of him at all. I didn't even know Jesse could act like this. He'd usually just not text anything back or make a sarcastic joke about how he knows that I read his text.

The rest of the night was a blur but I only remember that the thoughts about Jesse never left my mind.


Hello guys! I know I haven't updated in a while but it was because I was busy with the new story that I'm writing but I won't upload anything until I finish this story but ill be sure to post a teaser or prologue to make up for it.

I only realized that I hadn't really put Jesse in the chapter in the middle of writing this chapter so I decided to merge some texts. I was trying to showcase the bitter side of their friendship in this chapter but so far the next future chapters are happiness and rainbows but no promises!! :)

Love u all.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2013 ⏰

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