Chapter One~ {My best friend}

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Chloe's P.O.V:

I woke up from bed feeling like a zombie

"Argh" I groaned as my zombie-like self walked straight over to the bathroom, struggling to keep my eyes open.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth then scattered back to my room. I threw my clothes off and watched as they fell to the ground, I walked over to my closet and threw on a light pink long-sleeved shirt and white skinny jeans.

I felt a little more awake now but still a little tired, I wondered why my mom hadn't woke me up.

I pushed that thought out of my mind and walked over to my bed-side table and grabbed my comb and hairband, I wore my hairband on my arm as I began to comb my hair.

Iv'e always liked combs better than brushes. I stayed 5 minutes just thoroughly combing my hair. I took the hair band and tied my hair into a high-ponytail.

Suddenly, I felt a wave of excitement washing over me. I had just remembered that my birthday is in 2 months! My mom and dad promised me that they would throw me the party iv'e always wanted on exactly my 15th birthday.

I crossed out one day on my calendar excitedly knowing that i'm one day closer to being 15.

I walked out of my room and gently shut the door and then quickly jogged down the stairs with my arm sliding down the hand rail as I walked.

I didn't see my mom so I picked up the phone and quickly dialed my mom's number.

The phone picked up, a grin found its way onto my face as I spoke

"Hey mom"

"Hey" my mom quickly said, she sounded like she was in a rush.

"Where are you?" I frowned

"Sorry Chloe, your dad and I are shopping" my mom said, sounding a bit more laidback.

"Oh" I said as my frown disappeared.

"Love you!" I added

"Love you too" my mom quickly said before hanging up,

I put the phone down and yawned as I walked over to the TV and carelessly pressed the power button

I picked up the remote off of the coffee table and began to watch an old episode of 'Pretty little liars'

But my sleepiness found its way back to my eyes so I gradually began to fall asleep.

One hour later

I jumped off of the couch, startled, I was awakened by the sound of someone knocking on the door really fast and hard.

"Whoa, calm down or you're going to break your fist" I said as I lazily walked over to the door and looked to see a hopeful looking Jesse

My tiny smile faded and broke into a wide grin as I opened the door feeling happier than I was this morning.

His hopeful looking expression was soon gone and his eyes grew really wide before saying "What in the world were you doing in there?! I was about to leave because I thought you weren't home!" he said in a kind of loud and a bit angry tone

"I'm sorry! I fell asleep while watching pretty little liars" I said

He had a hurt expression written on his face

"Without me?!" he whines

"It was an old episode!" I rolled my eyes

His frown had been gone and a wide smile had appeared on his face.

"Oh okay, anyway what should we do?" he asked before skipping over to the kitchen

"I don't know" I said flatly as I grabbed a chair and sat down.

"Ugh you're boring when you're tired" he said jokingly

I chuckled at that.

I got off of the chair and walked over to the refrigerator and took out a a plastic bag which contained the loaf of bread, I put it on the counter and walked to the cupboard and took out the Nutella jar, I then walked over to the drawer and grabbed a spreader and began to spread the delicious looking and smelling Nutella all over the piece of bread, then I finished spreading and took another piece of bread out of the plastic bag and carefully put it on top.

Jesse had an amused looking expression on his face, he'd been watching me the whole time that I was making the sandwich.

"What, are you jealous?" I winked at him which woke him up from his thoughts

"I want one" he whined

I giggled and then made a copy of my sandwich for him.

"You know, you should make sandwiches for me more often" he said, wiggling his eyebrows

"Yeah sure" I rolled my eyes at him

We both ate our sandwiches, feeling happy as we did so, I felt a smile creep on my lips but the only thing I wondered right now was why I felt so happy.

"So how many days left?" Jesse asked

He'd know that I knew what he was talking about since I won't stop talking about the countdown till my birthday

"60" I replied smiling

"Whoa thats a long time" his eyes widened in disbelief

"Hey! No its not!" I protested

He laughed "I'm just kidding" he said

Then suddenly he became serious

"Why do you wanna be 15 so bad?" he wondered

"Well, you know how I was so excited for my 14th birthday since I thought I was going to have an awesome party? You know that I didn't so its not that I'm excited to be 15, its just that I'm excited for my party" I explained

He looked hurt

"I thought you liked you're birthday last year" He said as his voice became in a bit softer tone

I regretted saying that because I know how hard he worked and how he tried to cheer me up since I didn't get the party I wanted but it was true, though I was really grateful for Jesse being there since he helped me have an awesome party anyway

"No no no! I loved my party last year" I gave him an apologetic smile

Though there was still some bit of guilt deep down inside of me.

He had a look of relief on his face, I couldn't help but smile at that. It made me happy about how hard he'd always try to make me feel happy and I know i'd do the same.

"Thanks" he smiled a sincere smile

"You're welcome" I smiled back

"Hey!" he said as his eyes suddenly lit up like a christmas tree

"I know what we should do!" he added

"What?!" I said excitedly

"We should go lasertagging!" He shot me a challenging grin

"You're on" I winked and we both laughed

"Lets goooo then!" Jesse yelled as we laughed and he clutched my wrist in his hand so that I'd be right behind him.


Hey guys! I decided to do chapter 1 today, I'll do chapter 2 tomorrow :)

Hope you enjoyed it!

I love you guys<3

Next update: Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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