Chapter 1

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There will be no swearing.


I was being chased! I turned into an ally and was trapped I tried to climb the fence but couldn't.

"Iris, Iris wake up we need to get ready for school!" someone yelled shaking me awake from my nightmare. 

I rolled over to see my older brother Mason trying to get me to wake up from my sleep. 

"Finally! Your up! You're going to be late if you don't start getting ready now." he told me before he left to get breakfast. 

I climb out of bed and go to my small closet that hold only a few clothes. I chose a navy-blue blouse and black leggings. I then get to work on my thick hair trying to de-knot it. Then I came across a problem i couldn't find my shoes. i tore apart my room searching for them but I couldn't find them. 

"IRIS BREAKFAST AND HURRY UP OR YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!" Andrew yelled up the stairs. "ONE SECOND I CAN'T FIND MY SHOES." I yell out my door. "You mean these ones that where in the kitchen?" Carson asked holding up my black tennis shoes. "Yes!" I say trying to grab them. 
He held them behind his back so I couldn't grab them he then ran off with them down the stairs. 

"CARSON! You give me back my shoes right now!" I yelled at him running after him. He ran into the dining room and around to his seat, still holding them and kept moving them so I couldn't grab them. 

"Carson, give your sister her shoes." Andrew said putting a bowl of cut strawberries on the table. 

Carson of course didn't listen and kept playing keep away with my shoes. "Carson now unless you want to go to school with a sore bottom." Andrew warned "Fiiiine." he groaned giving me my shoes. He knew that Andrew would never spank him for something so minor, but he didn't want to get in trouble and risk it. "Drop the attitude dude." Mason said sitting down at his spot. 

"Where is Mom, dad and Eloise?" I asked because I had not seen the or heard them yet. "They got up early because dad got them a cruise trip to the Bahamas." Andrew said sitting at his spot. "How long are they going to be gone this time?" Carson said clearly annoyed. "A month." "What are we going to tell Liam?" "Same thing as usual." "Hey guys." Liam said running into the dining room and sliding into his chair almost sliding off of it as quickly as he got on. I swear there is more energy in this boy then in a 100-pound bag of sugar.

"Watcha talking about? Where's mom?" he asks grabbing some strawberries and a waffle. 
"Mom Dad and Eloise went on a trip they will be home soon, but the trip is really important for dad's job and mom and Eloise needed a vacation. "How come I can never go?" "Because you are too young." "But I'm thirteen I'm not a baby anymore." He complains. "Liam I'm sorry but that's how things work plus you can't stop school just to go to a trip where all you get to do is sit in a room and listen to people talk about stuff that is boring." I told him trying to make in sound less interesting because we all know that we will never be allowed to go on one of those trips.


My phone started to go off after I had put the mower into the shed after mowing your front and back yard which is not easy considering we have around an acer of land! "Hello?" "Mr. Johnson this is Mrs. Brown the principle at Carson's school." "Yeah." "We need you to come pick him up he has been suspended for a week. We will tell you the reasons when you get here or one of your brothers." "No, I'll come. I will be there in ten minutes." I told her before hanging up. He is so much trouble I thought before I walked into the school. 

"Mr. Johnson have a seat." Mrs. Brown said pointing to seat next to Carson. "So, what happened?" " He has skipped multiple classes in the last month, and we have warned him, but I am afraid that they have done nothing." "But why such a long suspension because I know that you would never do that long for just that reason from personal experience." "Well, one of his teachers went to go find him and caught him smoking and making out with a girl in his class by the name of Andrea." I felt my blood boil as Mrs. Brown told me what my little brother was doing. 

"Don't be mad at Andrea it wasn't her fault it was my idea." Carson said as we walked out of the building. 


I watched Mason in the car and only one thought was going through my head I am so getting my butt spanked.

"Go to your room and in the corner and you better be there when I get up there." he said. 

I ran up the stairs and into the corner and waited. After a few minutes Mason came up and handed me his phone I looked at the screen. Crap. He called Andrew I'm dead. "Hey Andy." I saw Mason smile a little at me calling Andrew my nickname for him that I only use unless I am scared or upset. "Carson you better have a very good reason why you were doing that stuff at school." "I don't know why. I was just bored. I don't like school." All that I hear for the next few seconds is an angry brother sighing. "Well Mason is going to punish you and if I need to I will when I come home." "Oo-kay." I said sassily and immediately realized that wasn't the best thing to have done.

"Carson this is our first and only warning drop the attitude, or I will come home right now to fix it for you and trust me you don't want me to do that." "I'm sorry." "I will be home at four and until that do anything Mason says." "Yes, sir." I said into the phone saluting as if I was in the army making Mason chuckle at how I can be absurd in a serious situation. "Be good." Andrew warned before hanging up. 

"Come on buddy." Mason says leading me over to my bed. "Macy please don't." "Sorry Carson but you broke the rules and that means I have to punish you. Believe me I don't like having to spank you or our siblings, but it has been proven that it's the only thing that has effect we tried grounding you guys, but you would just sneak out and lines don't work because you use the computer and copy everything." He told me sitting me down next to him on my bed as he explained. It did make since we would sneak out and copy the words, so we don't have to write it out we found a way out of every punishment except getting spanked. 

"Over my lap bud." he said tugging me a little to make sure I do. "I am starting." he warned. 


I had a few tears in my eyes but it didn't hurt that much because he let me have my pants on but I have a feeling that's not going to last. "Up." he told me. I did as he said and felt my pants being pulled down.

He pulled me back over his lap and felt a flat surface on my butt. SMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACK When did he grab the hairbrush? I thought as tears started streaming down my face. 

Mason pulled me up and pulled my pants up as I flinch at the contact. 

"I hate doing that to you. You know that right. You also know that I love you and nothing will ever change that." he said after he carefully sat me on his lap and gave me a hug. "But I have a few questions." He said. "Why did you kiss that girl do you even like her?" "Yes, I'm sorry." I answered in a small voice.  "Carson, you don't have to be sorry as long as you have permission from the girl, and you respect her we have no problems with you having a girlfriend." "Really?" I asked perked up that he said I could have a girlfriend. "Yes, now do you want to watch a movie with me?" "Which one?" "How about Dragon heart." he asked clearly picking the movie because he knows it's one of my favorites. "Okay." "Come we'll watch it my room." He took me into his room and started the movie and before I knew it I fell asleep.

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