Chapter 3

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It was the next day and you woke up and got ready for school. When you finished you went to the kitchen and got breakfast and started to walk to the school with all the things that were listed on the paper Aizawa gave you when you first met him. It was a couple of minutes until the bell rang and you were about to walk into the room when you saw someone by your leg. It was the weird kid from earlier. He started to talk to you but you didn't know what he was saying to you. When you nag him away. Someone came from behind you and made a big explosion. Your hair moved because of the wind of the explosion. But when you turned around to see who it was they were already walking into the classroom. You did the same thing when you got inside Mr. Aizawa said:

"Would you like to introduce yourself."

You nod your head and start to walk to the front of the room and move your hair so you can see better. Because of that, it revealed a big scar that went over your eye. You said in "understandable" Japanese:

"~hello, my name is Y/N L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you. Sorry for not talking to you earlier. I wanted it to be a surprise when I introduced myself."

When you sat down you finished your classes and when you were done with your classes you went to lunch. Everyone walked to the lunch line as you were looking at the list of food you couldn't read what it said. Someone came behind you to grab a plate and shove one into your hands and pushed you to the front of the line. When you saw that it was bakugou you were at the cash register and you paid and when he also played he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and dragged you to where he was going to eat and sat you down. When he sat down he thanked him for the food and started eating the food. You sat there surprised but thought nothing of it and started to eat the food when more people came and sat down near bakugou and you. And they all started to say hi to bakugou. They turned to you and started to talk to you.

"Yyyy////nnnn how are you ggggiiirrrrllll."

"I'm good. How are you."

" I am good, thank you. Here let me introduce you to the bakugang. You already know me and bakugou. But the other blonde is Denki."

He did some finger gun at you with a smile and you wave back towards him not to seem rude.

"The one with black hair is sero."

He waved at you and you did the same. When you look at he had cool piercings. You said to him.

"Nice piercing. Where did you get them."

"I did them myself"

"They look cool."

As you were eating your lunch you looked around the cafeteria and looked to get yourself familiar with the area. You looked down at your food, but when you looked up you saw that bakugou was looking at you and when you made eye contact he immediately looked down and continued to eat. The only person that saw was Mina but the only thing that she did was a mischievous grin. But she continued to eat her food in silence. When you were done eating you went to your next class in the field. When you went to the field with your p.e. the only teacher that was there was Mr. Aizawa. He said that they were going to do exercises that determined whether they were going to stay at this school anymore. So understandably everyone got really tense because they could leave the school. So when the last 3 students came, That included you, Bakugou, and Deku. You were supposed to do the throwing competition part of the final exercise. When it came to bakugo's turn to throw the ball 705.2 meters. When it came down to Deku's turn the first attempt to throw it was a fail and Mr. Aizawa's lecture. But when he threw the ball the second time he threw 705.3 meters. Everyone gasped at how far he threw it and Mr. Aizawa had a big smile on his face. Then he said:

"y/n it's your turn."

You nodded your head and walked up to where you were supposed to stand. You breathed in. you turned to Mr. Aizawa for the go ahead and when he nodded. You sighed and used your quirk speed [this was part of your one quirk called witchcraft]. Because of how fast the ball went the blast from the throw resulted in a gust of wind blowing on everyone. When Mr.Aizawa looked at the distance the ball went it said it was 800 meters. When he said the distance of the ball everyone was surprised that you threw it farther than bakugou and Deku. before anyone could say anything even Aizawa the bell rang you looked up and said:

"Oh, class is over."

You turned around and thanked Mr.aizawa for the class. A swarm of small green came around you forming wings. And a gust of wind came and lifted you and you flew away to grab your things. When you did grab your things you flew away back to the house. 

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