Chapter 12

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Mitsuki pov
"Morning mom" I heard from the kitchen it sounded like katsuki which confused me "morning dad" he said sitting beside me on the couch, I looked at him with a raised eyebrow trying to understand what I was witnessing.

I stared at him for a couple of minutes until Masuro came in "breakfast is ready" he said sweetly I smiled but quickly stopped as I saw katsuki smile and head to the dining room quickly, we both looked at each other confused.

"Hmm sooo two days left until you move to the dorms huh! Isn't that exciting?" I said trying to get a reaction from him "yeah guess so" we both stared at him confused "this is interesting..." mumbled Masuro eyeing me.

"Did you sleep well princess?" He stopped and looked at me taking a deep breath "dad.... Can you please not call me that?" He looked so hurt "uh why should I? You are my little princess after all" I chuckled, he clutched onto his fork then stared at me "I-I really...really don't like it" he sounded like he was about to burst.

"Oh sweetheart it's ok to cry comere your daddy will make it all better" I smirked to myself he looked so angry "w-why can't you just act normal!?! Why can't you treat me like how you used to!?" I was caught off guard.

Why is he so mad?

I thought he finally excepted his omega with how graceful he looked this morning.

Did I do something wrong?

"Princess calm down-" he quickly got up and glared at me "so just because I'm an omega you decide that it's ok to treat me like some sorta weakling?" He stared at me disgusted "I have no idea why the fuck I wanted to be a fucking alpha when it's clear that you treat our kind like SHIT!" His fist hit the table roughly.

"All I ever wanted was to be a damn hero and you of all people should know that with how much support you gave me as a kid, but now..." tears formed in his eyes as he looked down "now- you're just like everyone else..." I looked up at him with wide eyes "e-everyone else?" I asked confused my voice soft as not to startle him in this very clear sensitive state he's in.

"Honey being an omega isn't that ba-" masa tried to intervene only to quickly shut his mouth at the harsh glare he receives from katsuki "I can't change being an omega  ma, and I know that already ,but that also doesn't mean I'm bending over for some jerk wad who's only motive is thinking with their damn dick" he growled.

He turned to look at me with a pained expression "im leaving on Sunday and you won't be able to see me anymore...I love you dad I really do, but if you're going to treat me like everyone else and forget my worth then- then I'm better off without you..." I gawked at him.

My own son...

I quickly reached for him trying to get the words out of my mouth, but nothing came out he glanced at masa one more time shaking his head and quickly running out of the house.

Once the door shut I woke up from my trance, all I felt at that moment was anger "h-he he can't just say that to his sire!!?" I looked at masa who looked around confused, I growled "this- this is all your fault!" I yelled getting closer to masa "m-my?!" He backed up shaking form head to toe.

"He's your son damnit! Who does he think he is spewing that shit!?! No matter how the hell he feels he should never be allowed to talk like that to me!"  I yelled as the whole ordeal of this situation just slapped me in the face "I love you but I'm going to leave this family for my own selfish needs!?!?  Who would fucking say that?!"

"Mitsuki-" I glared at masa shutting him up quickly "you better fix this shit or he will be no son of mine!"


"Hey hey deep breaths calm down bro you got this!" Eijirou declared ,trying his best to comfort the distressed blond " I-I- I actually did it!!" Yanking at his hair and walking in circles. Katsuki felt so relieved ,but the stress of the situation was catching up to him fast.

"Oh n-no she's definitely going to kill me... w-what if she removes me out of of U.A!!!? She's definitely pissed off who knows what kind of shit she'll do!!!".

"Ugh dude not this again..."  Eijirou sighed remembering how many times they've had the same conversation "your parents will understand plus are they really going to go through all of the paper work and put you back into that shitty boarding school just to discipline you? Bro your parents are harsh not cruel"

He eyed the red head skeptically, approaching him slowly completely ignoring his personal space, the red head's eyes went wide once he knew what the hothead was about to do "don't. You. Dare" narrowing his eyes at the short blond.

Katsuki quickly yanked the red heads hair and roughly pulled at the red strands, Eijirou held him by his waist trying to push him off " kat get the fuck off of me!!!!" He yelled a strangled scream echoing the walls of his bedroom.

A crazy like chuckle came out of the blond that soon let go of the red hair and sank into his friends embrace exhaustion completely taking control. Sighing ,the red head scratched his head trying to subside his aching scalp.

"Seriously dude ya need to stop pulling my hair like a damn third grader when you're like this..." he used his other hand to hold him, once his eyes trailed down to meet the others he felt an odd feeling of sympathy towards him.

Something he tries to avoid when it comes to his best friend.

"I know- it's just..." hiding his face and moving in his grip the redhead understood that it was a way for him to help forget about the situation.

He just has a very odd way of doing it.

"Your hair is fuckin shitty is all..." mumbling in his chest as a supportive hand reaches out to comb through blond hair "whatever you say man..."

I promise whatever happens between us I will always be by your side.

Even if one day you decide to push me away like everyone else...

As you can see I decided to change my writing style at the end soooo tell me if you like it if so then I'll be writing like this from now on.

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