Chapter Four

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After the day Kong had at work and the sinking suspicion that Ley was somehow planted in the company to drive a wedge between him and Arthit, he couldn't wait to get home to his future husband. When he walked through the door, Kong was surprised to see his Aioun already dressed in pajamas and and setting the table with the last dish he had just plated from the kitchen. Music played in the background and Arthit was singing along to Tilly Birds as he moved almost fluidly through their house a swish to his hip as the music dipped and bopped. It was that painfully domestic tableau that sent a frisson of euphoria throughout Kong's body. The domesticity of their situation was his dream finally realized. All the struggle, the long nights in graduate school, there fights way back during his internship at Ocean Electric had led to these blissful little moments with his love.

"Aioun," Kong called out after his lover placed the final plate on their dining room table.

Arthit turned around and looked up at him in surprise. "Kongpob," his voice was surprised in that uniquely Arthit Rojnapat way that Kong adored. He flushed slightly in embarrassment as he was caught singing and effectively dancing through their house with a dish of curry in his hand.

Not missing an opportunity to put his hands on his future husband, Kongpob strode forward quickly and slid his hands around Aioun's waist and pulled him in close. Pressing their lips together softly, Kong enjoyed the closeness of their bodies and the pleasure of feeling Arhtit pull him close as their kisses became more heated. Hands wandering over the soft cotton of Arthit's shirt and the slick silk of Kong's suit jacket, the fell into the dreamy pleasure of one another.

Not wanting a moment of separation, Kong pulled Arthit close and whispered against his lips, "Take a shower with me?" 

The question at the end made his love chuckle, "The food will be cold."

"We have a microwave," Kong replied before pressing a heated kiss to the side of Arthit's neck just behind his ear in the spot that always made him shiver deliciously.

"I've already showered," Arthit countered.

Kongpob grinned, "You can never be too clean."

Over the next several moments, Kongpob managed to successfully divest himself and his Aioun of all their clothing leaving a trail from the dining room where he at least managed to hang his suit jacket on the back of the chair, down the hall, and into their bathroom. If Arthit managed to press him into the wall for several steamy kisses on the way to the bathroom, what could Kong do but submit to every delicious moment. Even after seven years together, he couldn't resist his lover for a moment.

Inside the shower, Kong pressed himself wetly against Arthit and reveled in the slick slide of skin against skin that set his blood on fire. He would never want another person the way he wanted his Aioun. It was that very reason which prevented him from even noticing Ley as more than a colleague earlier. He was body and soul in love with Arthit Rojnapat and he always would be. Lovingly, Kong skimmed wet fingers down the Arthit's cheek to his throat before sliding around the back of his neck and pulling him in for a deep, soul wrenching kiss.

Arthit kissed back, his body arching slickly into Kong's, "Hmm...Kong," he moaned tantalizingly, "What's gotten into you tonight?"

Slick hands slid from Arthit's nape down the smooth planes of his back under the warm spray and cupped his ass pulling them together and making Arthit shudder at the filthy slide of their cocks against each other. He relished every time they were intimate which still surprised him when he thought about how their relationship had changed and progressed so much from their shaky beginnings in college.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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