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Ch41 – Custom Auction

It wasn’t long after the little leopard emerged from the bathroom that he came back. There was no other reason. He was too happy that he dropped the transparent stone...

Rong Mingshi pulled it out from under Aojia’s clothes and gazed at the knife mark on the energy stone. A good carving would be cut and polished by the carver thousands of times. The snow leopard in his thoughts was still far away. The little leopard, who had always been brave, wasn’t discouraged at all. At least he knew that this direction was correct.

Rong Mingshi carried it with his paws and stuffed the stone into Aojia’s clothes. Then he bowed his head and bit the clothes, dragging it away. The little leopard was thinking as he walked.

Sure enough, a high-grade energy stone was more helpful for his perception. It was just... the high-grade energy stone was too expensive, costing tens of millions of star coins. The poor leopard couldn’t afford to buy it with his hundreds of thousands of savings...

After returning Aojia’s clothes, Rong Mingshi crouched on the ground and opened his online store. As far as the fire fox was concerned, his skill should be fine. He planned to see if anyone on the Star Network was willing to provide him with high-grade energy stones to carve.

As a result, Rong Mingshi opened the seller’s backstage on the Star Network before completing the first two custom orders. At the same time, the three elites of the military’s Information Department assigned to the online store immediately came to their senses.

“The store owner is online again!”

“According to our previous data analysis, the store owner doesn’t come online until after the previous order is finished.”

“I have a hunch that the store owner might be doing something big.”

The trio was muttering this when a third product quietly went on the shelf of Craftsman Time’s House.

“High-grade energy stone custom auction.”

Under this item was a product description, unlike the previous ones.

“The buyers will provide the high-grade energy stone themselves. There is a starting price of 500,000 and will increase by 100,000 for each bid.”

The Star Network’s store auction had a time limit. Rong Mingshi had no practical understanding of the auction and chose the shortest time, which was half an hour. For a time, the three elites of the Information Department had complicated thoughts.

Should they grab it or not, this was the problem! If they grabbed another order, would this be regarded as a violation of the military order? However, it was the third item and was an auction... shouldn’t it be different from the previous one? In addition, their boss didn’t seem to limit military spending...

In the short 10 minutes since the auction opened, the buyer’s exchange under the third item was once again lively!

-Big Store Owner, didn’t you write incorrectly? A high-grade energy stone custom auction? Are you sure it is a high-grade energy stone?

-Hasn’t the store owner only been offering low-grade energy stones? How did he suddenly jump to high-grade energy stones?

-Big Store Owner, shouldn’t there be a transition? Do medium-grade energy stones have no status?

-Shouldn’t your concerns be focused? The focus should be on the high-grade energy stones that the store owner has opened. Does this mean the store owner has the great ability to carve high-grade energy stones?

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