Part 1 : the introduction

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“Didn’t they have a thing in April?”

“I don’t think so. Nothing was confirmed.”

“But some people are confident they saw them”

“I don’t see why you should worry. He is your boyfriend now. His past is long gone”

The rumours flew like a wildfire causing a blaze in April. The infamous lightweight month of vacations. Making reckless mistakes and eating ice cream. April flows like a clear stream. The years of youth bloom and find new things. Impulsive decisions are made.

“I still get anxious though. You know what they call her” Rico murmured walking through the morning lit corridors of school. It was the beginning of third year in high school after summer vacations had just waved goodbye. The school was deserted, the first day. Of course, so many students must’ve slept in.

“He had a thing with you before her. You both have a great history. You just called it off in summer when she barged in. you know it’s a summer thing. Just leave it” Hana patted her shoulder for reassurance.

“But she’s the manager. I won’t see him as much as her”

“And yet he’ll be yours. You guys are together c’mon have some confidence” Hana cheered clearing the haze, it was their last year, and she didn’t want it to start badly.

“Rico Chan” a sweet voice reverberated in empty corridors. Rico knew who it was before turning around. Her cheeks took on the colour of setting sun pouring in a red evening. He was there standing with a bag hung around his shoulders, in his uniform, strands of hair hovering over his forehead like he just got up. Yet a perfectly gorgeous appearance. His cologne was spreading around the corridors. It was the scent of him. His hands were dug into his pants when he lowered his face admitting “I missed you”

All her worries faded into thin air when she made her way up to him and hugged him tightly and he returned it pulling her into him. The students of lower classes saw them. The favourite ship of the school is sailing again. The word was out. Texts flew.

      ‘Seems like Oikawa-San and Rico-San are together again*wink emoji*’

      ‘Omg! I know I manifested it. They’re literally my favourites*heart emoji*’

   ‘we’re officially over the rumours*joker emoji*’

  ‘I didn’t like them anyway’

‘at least she could cross him off too from her list*laughing emoji*’

The rumours over the month of April that went around for two months was over. The air felt heavy with things left unsaid. Nobody took her name, buried into the dead pile of leaves was the girl of popular rumours which weren’t just rumours. They were true. It all happened which was now forgotten and apparently everyone moved on. Y/n L/n was her name. The girl that was hated by the girls of lower grade and of the same grade. 3rd year like Oikawa and Rico. Manager of the volleyball team since last year of middle school. Overachiever. Stood first in class.

‘Why do you think she joined the boys’ volleyball team? They’re a bunch of hotties ya know’

‘She had dated every single one on the team except Oikawa and yet she is still the manager’

‘Not now though Oikawa’s crossed off the list’

Takami kept texting her friend Kei who was not attending the first day of school. First year into her high school. Takami was the confirmed head of Oikawa’s fan club, as she’s now in high school, she can be the head. She liked Rico, her kind and helpful good girl personality appealed to everyone, she always stood second in class.

‘I think there’ll be a tough competition for female president. I bet on Rico senpai, she’s bright, calm and composed fit for the role’

‘I don’t think so, I guess she will be the president because she’s in extracurricular activities and stands first every time’

At that takami shut his phone burying it into her pockets. Now of course after summer there was a newfound hatred in her. It was almost the time the bell rang and the hot topic of summer was still nowhere to be seen, she skipped school, given the arrogance in her character it was no surprise.

Oikawa and Rico held hands in the corridors , gaining everyone’s attention. The universe might really like them together. They had the same class.

The two paper planes flew but didn't travel far, like they ever stood a chance.


I'm always here on author notes blabbering something and *drumroll* here I present you a story I so wanted to write.

This idea is very personal to me so give no hate to my precious y/n she's yet to come. And again this is my fanfiction so if I say you stood first in class, yes you did! You're the star. The one and only y/n of my story. I hope you enjoy this fic.

And me too I hope I enjoy writing this too!!


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