Chapter 2

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The alarm rings banging every corner of the room. The sound of the birds chirping outside the window have been really my comfort to start a new day. That I have no reason to lay on my bed or stay longer even just a minute or else I want to be late for school and get my record tainted.

I felt a hot huff nuzzling on my neck, and perhaps this morning routine have been for ages grown for us. I felt his arm just under my boob squeezing me. It’s a comfortable feeling indeed but knowing that it’s not from a person you supposed to like is really bothering. He hugs me like a koala, a baby that can’t be separated from his mother. I tried moving my arms to shake it, just trying to wake him up. But instead he hugs me even tighter that my cherries slightly moving up, and it hurts.

You better not really be awake or else I’m gonna kick your ass. I tried removing his arms wrapped around my body but it’s really heavy or he might be awake and trying to control to not get out of it. I tried talking softly as possible, cause I know how it is irritating to get shouted out of sleep. It would make your day really really bad until the end of it.

“Hey, wake up biatch.”

I knew he have heard it. But rather than waking up he nuzzles his head more on my neck, his nose touching my neck softly. His hands going down to my belly until inserting it inside my shirt squeezing my belly. And this scene isn’t de ja vu. I have watched this scene for a thousand times.

“Why do we always take an hour to get off this bed? I have always wondered the mystery behind it,” and at this point I did not bother trying to make my voice small. I even inhaled deeply simply to let him know my frustrations. I pulled out his hands inside my shirt and even slap it weakly. But he immediately returned it and squeezed my belly again.

“Five minutes, give me five minutes.” I just found myself curving my lips for a smile. Let me tell you a secret, every girl is sucker for a deep and husky male voice. May it be from their lover or even a friend, they would notice it and take note for themselves.

This time he even leap his legs and wrapped it around my legs. I feel like caged from my predator that escaping isn’t a possible scenario to go with. “You’re so heavy and stop pinching my belly,” I tried knocking his head out of it as I pulled his hands out of my shirt just for him to return it and pinch the side of my belly roaming his hands on it. And with that he is almost on my top. Half of his body is lying on me.

“It’s your fault for making me stay late up at night,” he said under one’s breath. 

“You don’t like Netflix and chill?” I purred then I felt something poking on my legs. Something that getting harder, is that what I think it is?

“Is that your pet?” I tried asking him. He get off his head on my neck trying to face me. His nose wrinkled and brows trying to reach each other.

“Do you even know what does it mean to do a Netflix and chill?” his eyes burned with heat that the eye contact with me was unbearable, I can even hint an aggravation on his hard tone. Like what did I do.

So I answered, “Yeah, to watch Netflix of course.” I also did that because I told him what happened with my meetings of his father. He reacted like I really did something bad, he lick his lower lip then goes back nuzzling on my neck again. I can even feel his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. He let out a harsh breath in my neck near down my ear that it really tickles. Is he a baby? Cause he is definitely acting like one.

“So is that a boner?” I asked over because I felt it again when he laid on me. “Yeah but because of the hormones, okay?” he muttered in annoyance and frustration while squeezing me even tighter. Is it even possible to feel it twitch? Because I felt how it twitch while his talking. A morning wood, indeed.

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