
56 2 4

Time: ??/??/???? ??:??

POV: Unknown_W47K3R

I ran. As far as my legs could carry me.

Forward, forward, forward. Never stop, no one could ever hold me down.

Don't you hold me down, I breathed out the lyrics. An old song from the beginning of century. Yet, it sounded so empowering.

Most of our songs of unity were from that period of time anyway, the time when #0 was still young with power, always with so much energy and optimism, his smile never fading. At least that was what I imagined him to be. We never got to know what kind of person he was, anyway. #0 always remained as a mysterious presence since he disappeared one day about half a century ago.

Tiredness soon drenched my whole body, making my feet pause for a while. Flashing neon lights, in both blue and red, lined upon the sides of the street.

A street that had already fallen asleep, for sure. No one would see me here. I could have a little rest, I decided.

I spun around to check for the drones that were chasing after me. Good. They have gone. I glanced at the bundle in my arms. Pulling an edge of the soft blanket, a little face came to the air. She was still sleeping soundly.

I gave her a last painstaking glance before I put her cover back and picked my speed up again. Sooner or later, they would eventually catch up with me if I didn't run.


The first light of another dawn has arisen, painting the sky with a vibrant mix of scarlets and indigos. A wide meadow filled with life stretched in front of my eyes, hinting me that I have reached the neutral territories, where no fights were allowed, and the air was filled with peace. Yet, I had another goodbye to say. A final goodbye, and the most painful goodbye. I wished I didn't have to neglect her, but I had no choice. If I still kept her with me at the Walkers' base, the Red Nexus would certainly capture her and maybe even kill her as a threat.

No. I would definitely not allow anyone to kill my daughter like that.

Pulling down my pendant, I studied it carefully once again. A blue crystal symbol, like an A and a W combined. The sign of us. The sign that kept us united as one. The sign that reminded that I was never alone, even apart from my comrades.

Opening the top part of the bundle, I laid the jewel gently across her forehead. The baby mumbled in her sleep.

I thought as though I saw an AV-8 drone sweep across the air above our heads when I touched her little cheeks, checking on us and keeping us safe, even if we were so far away from home.

That it is, I thought. Avem you shall be.

Fumbling out a pen from my jacket, I wrote on her blanket. 

Name: Avem. Lost in the dark, please take good care of her.

Sleep well, little Avem. And set your spirits free, as though you were a bird.

Because when you wake up, you would find a world very strange. A different world.

A/N; If you want your ID featured in this book, please comment under any chapter of the book so that I can see it. 🥔🥔 and may the potato be with you!!

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