Leaves to Background // Experimented Arts

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I'M FINALLY BACK! The reasons that I haven't been publishing lately is that I am writing Chapter 3 of "Dreamer | Lady Chrystalle" and me having art block- anyways, while I deal with that, here are some experimented arts!

I'M FINALLY BACK! The reasons that I haven't been publishing lately is that I am writing Chapter 3 of "Dreamer | Lady Chrystalle" and me having art block- anyways, while I deal with that, here are some experimented arts!

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I wanted to test my capability, so we ended up with it :D

Next piece!

I tested background and the lighting, also how it would look like if I drew my OCs in this form

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I tested background and the lighting, also how it would look like if I drew my OCs in this form.

Next piece!

This is only for the sticking-to-one-color version, and I tested the hair too

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This is only for the sticking-to-one-color version, and I tested the hair too

Last piece!

Same thing, but this is more recent than the last one

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Same thing, but this is more recent than the last one.

Made in: February 21, 2022
Time taken: 55 minutes

Made in: February 22, 2022
Time taken: 3 hours and 2 minutes

Made in: February 22, 2022
Time taken: 5 hours and 45 minutes

Made in: March 27, 2022
Time taken: 3 hours and 33 minutes

Bye!! :)

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