Mission: Jelly Draken~

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Mom woke me in the morning per my request, I just snacked on some single toast and changed my clothes before taking my bicycle and getting my ass over to Emma's house. I figured that if we acted like a married couple that prepared breakfast together it would be perceived as a more eminent warning to Draken.

"Since this mission began you have already fallen into my trap Draken!" I was yelling while zooming with my bike, probably terrifying some random pedestrians with my crazy laugh. So I arrived at my destination knocking on the door and leaning over to look like a guy that was visiting his girlfriend, Emma seemed like she had just woken up.

"I'm here to help and act like Draken's love rival." She let me in without much fuss.

"You are quite energetic." I nodded my head while confessing.

"Every time I imagine the shock on Draken's face it gives me more fuel to keep it going." By the look on her face, I could tell she was feeling sorry for his sake.

"I hope your relationship won't be too tense, just because you chose to help me out." Emma seemed to feel guilty about this ordeal.

"Even if we won't be on the best of terms, he's just gonna have to accept me as part of his life." Since we had so many mutual friends.

"He merely gonna have to get accustomed to me, because I'm expecting you to invite me as one of the bridesmaids to your future wedding," I said giving her a toothy smile.

"What are you saying!" she was red in the face probably just considering this scenario.

"You're so adorable," I said while putting her in a hug.

"Since you came here to help with breakfast, let's get moving." we arrived in the kitchen and I saw their grandpa sitting there.

"Is this one of your friends that isn't afraid of Mikey?" I guess that was an occurring concern in this household.

"Well, I guess." Suddenly an offer arrived.

"How about joining our dojo?" Was not being afraid of Mikey equaling to, this person can absolutely fight, or is willing to learn how to?

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm already really busy as it is." Emma then mentioned.

"Right you begin your part-time job soon aren't you?" I nodded my head, I did indeed have a shift today.

"This needs more performance, we need cute aprons the both of us." Thankfully Emma had another one she could give me as a spare.

"Perfect we have the gate-up now let's get moving." We started to prepare the food together, Emma appeared like an expert at it. I guess she was used to making food for this family daily.

"It's fun to do it together like this." I nodded my head, it was quite relaxing.

"Feels like we are gaining more trust in each other," I remarked.

'Would you rather offer to clean the dishes or ask Emma Sano if there is something she needs help with?' I clicked on the second option because I felt safer asking her what needed to be done rather than taking my own initiative.

"Anything else you need help with?" I asked as she thought about it.

"How about you wake up Mikey?" Did she really just request that?

"Excuse me, come again?" She looked me straight in the eyes and repeated.

"Can you wake Mikey up, I thought since he likes you he won't mind." But we just met like twice in our lives, who wouldn't mind a stranger waking them up in their own house?

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