Some Type Of Way Pt.2

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Destiny's POV:

Meya was NOT a big fan of Najah and if you ask her why, she wouldn't know the answer.Hell,if you ask me its a jealousy thing but she will never admit that.

"So I see her and Joshua at the AMC downtown and long story short she called herself checking me when I was arguing with Joshua."

I was really feeling some type of way about that because she didn't have to come at me like that.
I had to be deep in thought because I just heard Meya yelling like she lost her damn mind.

"Destiny did you hear me?"she yelled to me.

"Damnn my bad, I zoned out"I told her.

"Back to this bitch!"she rolled her eyes.

I already knew she was about to go in because Meya was just that crazy.

"She shouldn't have got out her body with you for one and for two,what you and Joshua got going on don't have shit to do with her,so she shouldn't have shit to say out her mouth.You gone make me fuck her up!"she told me.

Ahh fuck.This why I never tell her shit cause she always wanna fight.But if she do I'm not gon stop her and I wouldn't be able to if I tried.She should know that Najah don't play and she got them bitches on every level though.

"I understand where you coming from but it was the way she did it,like she was really taking up for him"I told her.

"She weird as fuck if you ask me!But I did what you asked me"Destiny told me.

I had to think about what she was talking about but then I remembered I asked her to go over to Joshua's apartment and keep tabs on him.

"So what happened?"I asked

She hesitated."Well he walked out his apartment hand and hand with a female but it was dark and I didn't see a face"she told me.

I was stuck because he definitely had moved on with no problem.I mean he was my first love so of course I still had feelings for him.I don't know how to feel right now.

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