Test Of Loyalty?

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"See here you go again"Joshua yelled at me."Stay bringing this old shit up and its not even fucking necessary, I just wonder about us sometimes"he said.

I know I had just pushed his buttons and pissed him off but I couldn't help it.I can't help the fact that there are multiple girls after him.I'm always wondering did he entertain them.I always second guess what we have because I don't want to end up hurt.

"So now you wonder about us?"I said feeling a little hurt.

"Hell yeah!You say some stupid shit out your mouth"he expressed.

"Joshua what is this?What are we?"

"We are two people in love with each other stuck in a fucked up situation"he said.

I just looked at him because it was true but I wanted for him to say so much more.I grabbed my bag and I was so ready to go.

"Where you going?"he asked.

"Home"I simply said walking out of his apartment.

It had been a couple days since me and Destiny had spoken to each other and she called and asked me to meet her at Chipotle by her house that was located on the west side.I was headed to my cousins house that way anyway so I didn't mind.I'm from the west side and as they say "The West Side Is The Best Side".I was sitting on the green line train looking down at nothing although I saw the entire downtown ahead.What use to be buildings was nothing but grass.I believe when the buildings got torn down on the west and south side,that was what increased the killing.It had to get better because my city,"Chiraq",the #1 murder capital of America,was headed for destruction.

When I finally reached Chipotle, Destiny was scrolling on her iPhone 6 plus.I swear up and down she was spoiled but she denied it every time.She was wearing Love Pink yoga pants and a Love Pink sweater with ugg boots.It was kind of chilly today so her attire went well with the weather.I walked up to her and spoke.

"Hey Heart"I said hugging her and sitting across from her.

We had this thing where we called each other "Heart".It was another way of saying we wouldn't know what we would do without each other.

"Hey Heart"she said happily."I called you because obviously there has been a little tension"she started.


"Well you my Heart and I still find it quite odd how you took up for him like...

I cut her off

"Wait because when it come down to y'all I'm always in the middle and its like if I don't take up for you I'm taking up for him and vice versa."

"I mean you know how I feel about Josh and the last thing I thought was gonna happen was my best friend taking up for my ex."

"So if my loyalty not to you,its to him?"

To Be Continued

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