Caught In The Act

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Joshua wanted to calm Najah's nerves by taking her to the movies that night.She had been wanting to see Furious 7 but hadn't had the chance to go,so he decided to take her.Joshua was always a gentleman but Najah brought out the perfect gentleman in him.His smile would just brighten up Najah's day alone.Not to mention he was good looking;lighskinned,5'9,curly hair that was lined to the tea.Joshua always had his eye on Najah though because she was a thick madam.She was 5'5 with long brown hair and hazel eyes with a caramel complexion. Joshua and Najah started off as best friends but there was feelings there now and although they weren't in a relationship,Joshua could see himself marrying Najah one day.That's what attracted him to her,the fact she was wifey material.

They walked into the downtown AMC theater arm and arm.They had to be cute together because everybody that they walked pass complimented them.When they reached the top floor ,the line wasn't that long but it was growing so they hurried to get in the line until Najah spotted Destiny and her boyfriend Reginald.

"Destiny here"she said as she unlocked arms with Joshua.

Joshua decided to put his arm around Najah."Man,we good!Stop worrying about her."

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