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Most familiar melodies use the major scale: whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step.


We continued on our path, before approaching the Fatui guard that continued to guard the entrance of Goth Grand Hotel.
"Hey there." The Cavalry Captain greeted the man bluntly.
The guard turned his head to look at him, and his mask seemed to crumple, as if you could sense his determination.
"And YOU ARE?" The Fatui guard spoke rather loudly.
"Kae- Ahem, Cavalry Captain with the Knights of Favonius."
The guard scoffed toward the captain, before noticing me.
"Ohoho, you little BRAT, if you had anything to do with this I swear-" The man began to lunge for me, but before he could reach me, my eyes met with a defensive arm displayed in front of me.

The Captain made absolutely sure the Fatui guard could see his cryo vision before lowering his arm.
"Hey now, lets not take all the anger out on them~ " The Captain spoke once again, as the guard backed away.
"I- Uhm, ahem. What business do you have with the fatui?" The guard cleared his throat, his embarrassment being audible within his hesitant tone.
"Ah, heh. You do not understand. I-" The Captain looked at me, giving me a swift wink before curving his arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him.
"We, have a room to get to."
The Captain shot a smug glare toward the fatui member, as they began to stare at him in surprise.
"Oh.. OH! Ah- Uh.." The guard scratched the back of his head.
The Captain started to strut behind the guard and through the door, squeezing my shoulder tightly within his grip until the door was fully closed, before releasing me from his grasp.
"WHAT THE HE-" I began to yell, before I was stopped by one of the captain's slender fingers being held in front of me.

I furrowed my brows, following his gaze as he began to eavesdrop on the nearby Fatui's conversations.
"Forget that!" I swatted his hand away from my face, and he turned to me in annoyance.
"What the hell were you thinking?"
The captain chuckled, straightening his posture before folding his arms and giving me a teasing look. "What?~ You were only allowed one room, right?"
I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"Can't let the opportunity go to waste, can we?~" He revealed a seductive grin on his face, before unfolding his arms.
"Okay, stop." I turned him around, beginning to shove him toward the ascending staircase.

Once we arrive inside the room, the captain began to walk around, taking in every detail of the room, which, frankly, was taking way too long.
"Okay, lets cut to the chase." I cleared my throat. "I think we should take another look around here since I am not completely sure-"
"That guard took your vision."
"Huh?- Wait, WHAT?" I exclaimed.
"That guard, the one that I just easily fooled?" The captain chuckled, combing one hand through his long ponytail.
My heart began to race with anger and frustration.
'The guard I have been talking to this WHOLE TIME!?'
"Don't fret."
That relieving thought broke me away from the agonizing voices of anger in my head, until I realized I had snapped back to reality.
I sighed. "Sure. Uh, should we go get him?"
"I guess, but nothing too rash will happen. Lets just simply, interrogate him." The captain smiled elegantly, before seeing himself out as I followed.

"Hello, sir guard." The captain greeted once again, bowing slightly before approaching to face him.
"Come, I need to tell you something important."
The guard laughed audibly. "You won't fool me THAT easily. Now go on, I have work to do."
I glanced toward the captain, who looked extremely annoyed.
"Sir, I know you have this lady's vision."
I observed as he curled his hand around the fabric of the guard's shirt and grasped his sword from within it's sheath.
"Now if you don't tell me, there will be some major consequences. And if you knew me, you would know that I don't always show mercy."
Though the situation at hand was pretty threatening, the Captain still managed to keep his cool as the guard started to panic.
"W-WAIT! No.. um, FINE! Archons.. I'll pay the price either way. It's been sent to Inazuma."
He sure did snap easily.
"What for." The Captain questioned threateningly.
"U-Uh to be inspected! T-The, um, we have been trying to manufacture delusions!.. Please, don't hurt me.."

I was flooded with irritation as we left the inn toward an open area.
"Inazuma!?" I stared at my tall companion with disbelief. "That's overseas!"
I scoffed. "What even are 'delusions' anyway!?"
"They are those fake vision I told you about, I assume."
"Well, why my vision!? Archon knows, I just came from an excruciating trip here, and now I lose my vision."
"It'll be fine." said the captain, as if he did not have any wonder of how long the journey to the region would take in the first place.
"Says you. How are we supposed to get to Inazuma."
"I'm sure we could get there. I've heard that Liyue has some pretty well-rounded ships, let's just travel there."
I knitted my brows, glaring at the captain before speaking. "You make it sound so easy. It'll take a lot of work to get even a mile towards Liyue."
"I know a quick route through Dawn Winery."
The captain glanced at me, with a small smirk spread across his face. "Just trust me, you'll see."

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚜 (Kaeya x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now