Chapter 5:

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(Normal POV.)

Lucy rushed inside the guild, smiling and waving at the cheers that were heard all around. The guildmates expressing their welcome backs even if they just saw her a few minutes ago. Scanning the area, Lucy brightened up when seeing Levy at her table.

The bluenette was alone, tightly holding her bag that contained the dragon book to her chest and waving like no tomorrow. Signaling for the Celestial mage to come over, quickly.

"Your arms are going to fall off if you keep waving like that Lev," Lucy teased, smiling at her best friend who stopped with a giggle and sticked her tongue out in a playful manner.

"Sorry, I'm just excited to continue!! Especially since today is You-Know-What..." Levy leaned in, whispering the words cautiously as if someone was going to jump out from underneath the table or behind a pillar. Which in this guild... It was a high possibility. "I've also been trying to observe suspicious activity with the dragon slayers but... they seem to be acting normal? Maybe the book got it wrong or because the time-gap was in place then it doesn't affect them because they are still underage."

Lucy sat down, frowning in thought—'I mean the time-gap situation could have something to do with it but there is also another issue about them never being able to cross Freed's runes during the Harvest Festival all those years back that we would need to calculate...'

"Gah!!! This so confusing... My brain can't wrap around this. Not too mentation a headache grows every time I try to go further back into my memories," Lucy hissed, slumping on the table in defeat as Levy looked on in concern. The script-mage lightly patting Lucy's back in comfort.

"Do you need me to get Wendy?"

"No, no. It's actually not that bad... It only happens when I try to remember past being a toddler. Plus, I don't like abusing Wendy's power. Carla's right, we should only ask when it's life threatening," Lucy explained as Levy nodded in understanding.

Though suddenly a chill went through each of the girls spine, feeling a presence but not seeing one. It felt like prying eyes were watching them... But where?

"Do you feel that, Lu? It feels like someone is watching us..." Levy whispered, glancing around with suspicious eyes but there was no sign of someone watching them. In fact, everything seemed normal except the fact that Mirajane kept looking around with concern before going back to work with an uneasy smile—She was being watched too.

Everyone was here at the guild, expect a few non-known members and... The male dragon slayers.

"That's weird. I don't see anyone out of the ordinary... Maybe it's just us being paranoid?" Lucy suggested, scrunching up her nose before pulling out the book from Levy's bag. Gently setting it on the table as Levy slowly nodded her head, a frown on her face as she still tried to look for the person. The presence soon faded off, the hawk-eye feeling gone. Although, the two girls each had the same thought coursing through their minds at the same time.

'I know it wasn't my imagination, but just who was it that kept watching me...'

Calming down, Levy opened the book as she began reading in a quiet voice so no one can hear them. Hence the reason why the two were also sitting in the very back of the guild, out of sight and hearing.

Chapter 1:

Let's go over the mating season basics, information that should be known to avoid danger and to see what's coming.

First what you should know is that dragons, dragon slayers, and dragonoids all have an inner dragon that runs their instincts—Sort of like a conscious from the heart. This is a part of them... One cannot live without the other. However, there is also a great danger when to it, and that danger is connected to their mates.

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