Chapter 6:

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(Mirajane's POV.)

'The house sure is lonely without Lisanna and Elfman... I hope there doing okay,' I sighed at the thought, the two having gone on a mission together to help afford our house's bills.

Walking into the guild from the back doors, passing through the kitchen and heading for the bar to start preparing for work before everyone gets here. However, as I expected to wake up to an empty guild... It shocked me seeing everyone knocked out on the guild floors.

I noticed all of them were surrounding Natsu, Laxus, and Gajeel—Are those... scales?!

Rushing to the three, I got near Laxus to make sure he was alright only to step-back seeing Freed's runes appear as a warning before fading once more. Getting a closer look, I noticed Laxus's hair got slightly lighter in color as scales were visible upon his grumpy face. Not only that but there were horns on top of his head!

Just as I was about to wake him to ask what was going on, a hand fell on my shoulder, freezing me in place. Glancing behind, I noticed it was Master with his hand outstretched. He was sitting on the bar with closed eyes, sitting crisscrossed in a calm demeanor.

"Do not wake him my child."

Hesitating, looking back between Laxus and Master... I sighed before nodding in agreement, walking quietly over with concern. "Master, what's going on? Why is everyone still here and what are the boys doing locked up in runes?"

"It is the season of mating for dragons and dragon slayers—Surprisingly, Natsu was the one to suggest this idea. He said that the three males talked, and it would be best to lock them up, rather than claiming their mates. And although they wished too, the three didn't want anyone to get hurt. This season can be extremely dangerous, my dear, so we have to take precautions until it is over."

"Oh..." I mumbled, speechless at the new piece of information before nodding and preparing to make a breakfast for everyone for their hard work in guarding. However before I could get started, the guild doors opened to reveal a beautiful busty blonde and curvy/petite bluenette—Lucy and Levy.

They both had shocked faces upon arrival, until seeing Master and I as they headed over in a blink of an eye. Lucy and Levy sitting down on the bar stools as I quickly went to fetch them their usual drinks.

"What's going on?" Lucy asked with hesitation, as if she knew exactly what it was but needed confirmation.

"Is this... Is this about the season?" Levy spoke up, whispering the words as if they were some sort of trigger. Placing Lucy's strawberry and Levy's chocolate milkshakes down, I stared in surprise... They knew about that?! From the looks of it, Master was in shock as well form the news.

"Child, how do you knew about that?"

The two girls bite their lip, sweating nervously before jumping up to bow constantly... Apologies rushed out in a jumble mess. "We're so sorry Master!! W-We meant to give you this book, but we really wanted to read it... A-And we know it was wrong of us to keep such important information to ourselves."

Poor Lucy and Levy... The two looked to be close to tears until Master patted them on the heads in understanding before gesturing to give him the book. Levy not wasting time to open her bag, pulling out a worn-out book and her Gale-Force reading glasses to hand it to Master as he scanned through it immediately. Slowly growing wider the more information was stored into his head.

Suddenly, Master slammed the book shut a little too loudly, coughing into his head with a blush and handing it back to Levy who stared with a questioning look, grabbing her glasses as well. Though before the three of us could say anything further, growling was heard that had us freezing in place.

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