Map of The Empires

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Below is a map of the empires. You will not find the third continent of King's Hedge here because the map-making site does not include that continent. Within the story, it's called Selah. It is used by the four empires as a gathering center or a resting place. Ever since the destruction of the ice caps that resulted in the flushed-out ecosystems in Prior Antarctica, God promised them this land and made it inhabitable for them. In gratitude, Selah is used primarily for worship, festivals to remember what God has done for the people, and memorial purposes. The Silk Gate and the neutral nation-states are prohibited to enter Selah.



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Persephone's Island is located in The Kensa Sea about 50 miles north of Asteer and Lexdoff (Minister Empire) on the north side.

Fireside Harbor is located a few miles west off the coast of Solosolo (Mulberry Domain).

Pink Sugar Expanse is centered in the Palm Strait between Dubious and Muga.


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