Chapter 28

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a/n hey guys! so this story is coming to an end pretty soon. DO you  guys like the story? Should I make a sequel? thanks lovelies xxx


"Harmony, how would you feel about letting the fans know about our engagement?" Louis asked. We were sitting on my bed, and I was scrolling through Twitter. I thought for a moment before answering, still concentrated on my phone.

"Yeah sure, when's your next interview?"

"Next month," He replied while I took a sip of my water. "But yours is tomorrow."

I literally spit out my water. An interview? Me? Without Louis? No way in hell! He smiled and jumped up, kissing my forehead.

"THANKSFORDOINGTHIS. LOVEYOU!" Damn boy. I have absolutely no idea what to wear! Ugh. I looked down on my phone, still on twitter. Hmm...

'Hey Guys, I need something nice to wear tomorrow..any ideas?' I took a pic of my nice clothes I had out and tweeted it. In minutes, thousands of girls had replied and I had an idea.

*Next Day*

"Louis I hate you." I grumbled as he dragged me into the studio. We stopped as soon as we got in backstage.

"I wish I could stay, but I have to record some songs with the boys. Will you be okay?"

"Of course." I glanced down at my ring, shining on my finger. I gave Louis a kiss goodbye and watched him walk out. As he was opening the exit door, a young couple walked in holding a newborn baby. It killed me to see Louis' pained face at them. I felt disgusting that I couldn't help my fiance with what he so desperately wants; a family. I got my face and makeup done fairly quickly and was soon announced onto the stage. A mid-aged lady welcomed me, wearing a medium length black dress.

"Hello, Harmony. Thanks so much for joining us today, love." I smiled back. Tthe lady looked at me and her eyes widened when she saw my ring.

"Is there anything you would like to share with the fans?" Oh great it's time.

"Yes, actually." My voice shook. "You all know I'm with Louis.." My voice trailed off. All of the teenage girls in the croud were on the edge of their seats in anticipation. I smiled and stuck my finger out.

"He proposed!" All of the girls screamed and jumped around. Some were upset, but wouldn't you be if you're celebrity crush was officially unavailable?

After everything died down, the interviewer started talking again.

"Okay, does anyone want to ask Harmony some questions?" Everyones hand went up. She went over to a short girl with long black hair and green eyes.

"Are you nervous?" She asked.

"To be honest, I've never been more nervous and excited." I answered honestly. The lady went to another girl.

"Why were you in the hospital a few months ago?" She asked. Shit. What was I supposed to say?

"Um, just some personal reasons." I answered weakly.

"But why?" She pressed.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Was it really that bad?"

"I had a miscarriage, okay? Are you happy now?" I snapped. All of the girls gasped, some even had tears in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry about your baby. I didn't know it was that bad.." The girl said. I looked her right in the eyes.

"Babies. Not baby, babies." I turned to interviewer. "Thanks so much for having me, but I must run." And I fast walked off the stage. I ran into the dressing room and burst out into tears. I missed them. I just really missed them. I took out my phone and dialed his number.

"Niall? Can you pick me up?"

"Hey, are you okay? What happened?" He said, pulling me into a hug once he arrived.

"It was just bad. Some girl just annoyed the shit out of me." I got into the passenger side and leaned against the window. Niall looked at me carefully.

"Why did you call me instead of Louis?" He asked. I sighed. I just didn't feel like talking.

"I don't like talking to him about it when I get upset about them." I said.


"The babies." He exhaled.

"So that girl said something about the babies?" He said slowly. I nodded tears filling my eyes.

"Was it bad of me to get upset? Should I just have kept a strong face for the camera?" He scrunched his eyebrows.

"Not at all! If anything you've been too strong. I don't know how you can handle everything because I wouldn't be able too." He shifted. I wiped my nose, which was running from crying.

"I bet its all over youtube already." I scoffed. He half smiled.

"Probably, but we'll get through it. Cause thats all we can do." He shrugged and I smiled. We pulled up into the driveway a minute later. I looked at him.

"Thanks Niall, you're the bestest friend ever."

I walked into the house to see Louis anxiously sitting on the couch. As soon as he saw me he jumped right out of his seat, and hugged me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, rubbing my back softly as he held me.

"I'm guessing you saw?" He nodded, his face concerned.

"I shouldn't have left you there." I gave him an 'are-you-serious' look.

"Don't blame yourself for something a stupid girl said. I'm fine," I smiled, although it was fake. Losing your children that you haven't even gotten to know yet isn't something you can just get over. Niall caught my eyes and gave me a sad look. He shook his head and walked away. What was that about?

Louis and I talked for a little while until the doorbell rang. I hopped up and answered it. There stood Natalie and Danielle in party hats.


Lets see how this ends up....

Thanks for reading guys..COMMENT! For the love of 1D comment for me. xxxx Hope you liked it. WHAT DO YOU THINK SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT?

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