Chapter 9 Part 2

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Hey luvs! 

Here's the other part of the last chapter xD

I'm just going to warn you now, it's very short hahaha


-J (Pie)

Harry was woken up by a pair of hands shaking is shoulders firmly, and slightly panicked. He didn't understand where he was, or what was going on. He had just relived his horrible nightmare once again, and now he was in a dark room. Then it dawned on him.


He had fallen asleep. The hands were still shaking his shoulders, and this time, Harry recognised a voice, saying his name.

Harry opened his eyes to the exact scenario he had hoped to avoid. Louis face was panicked and said boy's hands stopped shaking him the second his green eyes fluttered open. Harry squeezed his eyes shut the second he saw how upset Louis looked and turned his face away.

"Hey, Harry, are you okay?" Louis' soft voice reached Harry's ears and calmed him exponentially.

"How bad was it?" He asked, instead of answering the question. Louis just shook his head slowly.

"You, uhm, you were shaking. And crying, while saying some stuff about someone leaving him alone..." Louis' voice trailed off. Harry sniffled slightly and noticed that his own face was covered in tears. Using the duvet on the sofa, he dried his face off, by covering it entirely by the piece of fluffy fabric for a second.

"I'm so sorry, you weren't supposed to experience that" he decided to say after a moment.

"Why are you apologising? It wasn't your fault."

"Yes, it was. I fell asleep. If I hadn't fallen asleep you wouldn't have had to be exposed to my nightmares." Harry sounded glum. Like he blamed himself for doing something bad.

"What do you mean? Is this a regular thing?" Louis questioned slowly.

"Yeah, kind of several times a night, if I fall asleep early enough." It was supposed to sound like a statement, but it ended up sounding like an insecure question. It was quiet after that, for almost a minute.

"You don't have to deprive yourself of sleep just so I don't get exposed to your nightmares, you know? I would never dream of judging you, and I'm not afraid. I'd rather sleep badly and wake you up whenever you get a nightmare, than let you have to deal with it all alone."

Louis ended his little speech by opening his arms up towards Harry. A gesture meant to get Harry to hug him. Harry just looked at Louis and tilted his head. Louis tilted his head in return.

"I don't like hugs."

"You don't like hugs?"

"No, sorry."

"Everyone likes hugs? And don't say sorry."

"I don't. But I let you down?"

"You really don't? You didn't, it's alright."

"No. Okay, thank you."

"Why are you saying thank you?"

"I don't know, sorry."

"No, shush."


"You saying sorry signals to me that you are either ashamed of your opinion or doubting yourself, and you should be neither, so, shush."


"Good, now, is there a reason you don't like hugs?" Louis tilted his head once again.

"Uhm, can I tell you a secret?" Harry seemed very insecure now, fidgeting with his hands, tapping his thumb on his palm.

"Always." Louis' voice was so soft, Harry thought, if he were able to touch it, it would feel like cashmere against his fingertips.

"I'm kind of..." He trailed off, and Louis gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm kind of afraid of hugs?" Louis' lips curled up into a smile, and his eyes lit up slightly.

"You know that is the most adorable thing I have heard all day, right?" And there it was again. Louis calling Harry cute at dinner and adorable now? He had pretended he hadn't noticed, but it had been circling through his mind non-stop ever since.

"Adorable? I think it's kind of stupid." Louis shook his head at this.

"No, it's not stupid. Everyone has an irrational fear of something. I'll tell you what; I'll help you get over this peculiar fear of yours!" In Louis' mind this was the best idea ever. Harry looked at him in horror.

"How do you plan on doing that, exactly?" Harry sounded just as terrified as he looked.

"You won't even notice a thing, I promise!"

Told you it was short :)


Have a great day/night! <3

-J (Pie)

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