XVII. imessage, irl

428 21 0

may !

chris <3 + eden❤️

chris <3
are you free this week?

i am... why?

chris <3
how would you feel about
staying at mine?

in boston?
will dodger be there?

chris <3
of course he will

i would love to stay then
i can fly out on sunday if you want?

chris <3
so the dodger is the way to
get you to visit me?

so sunday? till when?

chris <3
sunday is perfect, i've got jimmy
fallon next friday so we
can fly back to new york together?

aw amazing, i'll quickly pack
and book my flight <3

chris <3
can't wait to see you baby

stop i'm blushing...
i'm also very excited to see u


EDEN SMILED BRIGHTLY WHEN HER dark eyes met chris' as he stood with a cap and sunglasses on as he waited for eden to land. she dragged her suitcase over quickly, and found herself embracing the tall man with a little laugh. "hello to you too," chris laughed, returning the embrace and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"let's go, i'm dying to see your son," eden said when she pulled away, linking her arm in his. chris laughed again, "okay okay, i have feeling you're just using me for my dog," he replied. eden faked a hurt expression, "i would never,"

the ride back to chris' house was fairly quick but eden was happy about that, it meant she had more time to settle for the week and spend it with chris. when he opened the front door, the famous dodger came bounding towards the pair wagging his tail happily. chris gently grabbed eden's suticase out her hand letting her bend down and pet the dog happily, cooing at him. chris smiled at the scene before quickly putting her case in the bedroom.

"you hungry?" he asked, his bostonian accent coming through. eden stood up wiping her hands on her jeans, "yes," she answered letting chris guide her through his house towards the kitchen. it was late evening by the time she had arrived in boston from new york so it was safe to say she was hungry now. she sat at one of the stools at the counter while chris made his way around the kitchen to begin cooking.

eden felt at ease in chris' home and with chris in general. everything was easy with him, she was usually quite an anxious person but with him she found herself laughing more than ever before. she liked that she felt safe with him.

by the time the pair had ate and drank nearly two bottles of wine between them, it was getting late, but neither of them were interested in the time. music played in the backgroud as eden spoke, telling chris about the time her and her sister had a massive argument about a something silly that she could hardly remember. their laughter soon died down and the song changed to 'everybody loves somebody'

"come on, get up," chris urged with a sly smile, holding out his hand for eden to take. she stared at him quizically looking at his outstretched hand. "what? why?" she giggled. "i said i'd teach you to dance and this is the perfect song," he urged, eden began to blush at the thought of slow dancing in the kitchen with chris who had kept his word. she placed her hand in his and let him pull her up from her stool.

his hands slowly found her waist and grasped one of her hands, while eden placed her free hand on his shoulder. the swayed in time to the music taking small steps so that they ended up spinning. "see not that hard," chris mused causing eden to roll her eyes. chris suddenly twirled eden out and then back in so that her back was leaning against his chest, she laughed loudly, "very smooth evans," she muttered.

when she turned back round to face him, it was as if time had slowed down. her breath hitched when she noticed her gaze falling to his lips. slowly they leaned in, getting closer and closer until their lips just touched. eden's eyes fluttered shut and she decided to take charge by pushing her lips against his. the kiss was slow and gentle, chris' grasp became tighter on her hips bringing her closer. slowly the kiss got more hungry as they moved in sync, his hands moving to cup her ass.

eden felt herself suddenly being picked up so she wrapped her legs securely around his waist as he began walking towards the couch, only breaking away for a few seconds. eden hit the soft pillows, her hands cupping his jaw, running her thumb up and down as they kissed. his hand moved up her shirt touching her bare skin, caressing just under her bra.

they both pulled away, chris making sure she was okay with where this was going, not wanting to go any further in case she wasn't comfortable. the music still playing in the background, eden's hands still cupping her face, "we don't have to do anything more," chris muttered quietly. eden nodded, "i know, but i want to," she whispered back, nodding with reassurance, placing a small kiss on the corner of his mouth.

𝐁𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐌 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇, chris evansWhere stories live. Discover now