xxii. | the beginning

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Jon and Sansa sit on either side of me as the men of Castle Black sit in front of us. Sansa wants to take back Winterfell from the Boltons so it belongs to our family again. Grey Wind is gnawing on the bone of an elk in front of the table. Maenya stood in the corner, leaning against a wall.

I assume they expect me to use my dragons to take back Winterfell. I knew they didn't like it up here. It was too cold for them. Maybe I should just go back to Essos with Dany.

"What do you think, Elaena?" Jon questions and I turn my attention to him.

"We don't have the men, Jon."

"We have two very large dragons." One man chimes in.

"I have two large dragons," I correct, "I'm not burning every man, woman, and child along the way. I would be no better than my father."

I take a deep breath. This was the beginning. I could feel it. War is coming, and not just the war for Winterfell.

"We have to go and form alliances. That is the only way."

"What about your sister?" Edd says.

"What about her?" I question.

"She has an army."

"I can't ask her to give me the men she acquired," I say, "I won't. She wouldn't give them to us. She can't afford to lose any of them."

"Alliances is the first step." Jon says, pushing his chair away from the table.

I was distracted. I couldn't stop thinking about Theon and my conversation. Should I really try and take King's Landing and become queen? I'm queen to the North, but it's not the queen.

Dany has worked so hard to form alliances with people all over Essos, but there's one thing about it. She never once asked me if I wanted to be queen. I'm the eldest child now, so it's technically mine by right. That would ruin our relationship for good. Maybe not though.

"Your Grace?" Maenya is now standing in front of me and I see that the room has cleared.


"You seem distracted," she points out, "are you okay?"

I nod. "I'm fine."

"Elaena, you cannot lie to me. What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking is all."

"About?" She pries.

"Everyone considers me Queen. Theon Greyjoy told me I need to take back what is mine."

"And I agree." Maenya says bluntly.

"Dany has worked so hard for what she has. I cannot do that to her."

"You're the Queen by right. Now that Rhaegar and Viserys are dead, you're the next of kin. Dany never once asked you if you wanted the throne or not."

"I always told her I didn't want it," I say, "but being over here in Westeros, it's changed my mind I think."

"So you do want to be Queen?"

"I'm still debating."

Jon enters the room. Maenya and I turn our heads towards him. "Elaena? A word?"

I stand. "I'll find you later."

Maenya bows and walks out into the courtyard. I turn my attention to Jon.

"What is it?" I question.

"I'm leaving to go make amends with the Stark bannermen," he pulls his black gloves off, "are you staying?"

I take a deep breath and exhale. "I don't know."

"Is something bothering you?" He questions.

I tell him the same thing that I told Maenya. He listens carefully and he takes a breath.

"Can I be honest?"

I nod. "That's all I want. Honesty."

"I don't know your sister, and nobody else in Westeros does. They only hear stories of her. We know you. We know what good you can and will do for the realm. I say do it."

"What if it ruins my relationship with her?"

Jon caresses my cheek. "Who cares. She seems selfish."

"She's quite the opposite."

"It's yours, Elaena. She has no right to claim it."

I smile and he kisses me. The door behind us opens and I pull away, seeing Sansa.

"Oh," Sansa says surprised and she turns away, "I didn't know you two were together."

"We're not." I say and I feel his eyes on me.

Sansa glances at him and then fixes her eyes on me. "Okay."

I nod. "I'll speak with you later, Sansa."

"Elaena?" Jon says and I stop in my tracks and turn to face him.


"You may not want to come to form alliances, but we need you when we meet with Ramsay," Jon says, "and think about what I said."

I nod in agreement. "Okay."

Wowee, how long's it been, 2 years?? I've not been on here in a HOT minute. I apologize for how short this is. Truth is, I logged back in and saw I already had this written up so I made a few minor changes to it and decided to just post it and continue writing the next chapter. Thank you all for continuing to read this and support it! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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