That Group

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     You walk the filled hallway as you repeatedly keep saying "excuse me," as you're just trying to get to your fourth hour.
This alone makes you want to be homeschooled. You tried to convince your parents to homeschool you, considering your mom is a 'at home mom', by giving a presentation with an essay and a slide show. You don't succeed.

You stumble as someone runs into you, but you sustain your balance.

You look up and see a yellow-blonde boy, who's wearing a violet sweater, dark blue shorts, and a holy cross necklace. "Watch it, faggot!"
Yes, the word had got out that you were bisexual. Some kids saw you confess to one of your girl friends, and they told their friends, and their friends told their older friends, and those friends told the popular group in your grade, and so forth. That happened only a month ago.

Ever since you've been called names such has "faggot," or "homo."
"Sorry, I guess." You apologized sarcastically.

"Dumbass!" He walked away, bumping your shoulder with his. "That dude has serious issues..." you said to yourself.

You dusted yourself off and headed to class. The hallway was less crowded, at least.

     You made it to the opened classroom, walked in and took your seat. You look around and see people in all sorts of places. Some are huddled in a corner of the classroom, some are standing on their seats and preaching, some are even snorting chalk from the front on the chalk slate. The teacher, on the other hand, is nowhere to be found. This is common, The teacher is probably outside smoking a cigarette. She shouldn't be qualified to teach, really. The students never report anything including me. Something about free-will in specifically school. When you have free time at home it's normal. Not the same getting-away-with-it feeling. To us, this is just a hang-out area that we need to go to for an hour each day.

You got out your notepad and started doodling in on the lined paper. You have very selective hearing, so you only really hear muffled voices in the background. Though, whenever you hear your name, anxiety gets going in your heart. Something about you being scared you're in trouble, It's nerv racking. Only to find out they just wanted to borrow something or ask a question. Out of the question, their are voices that perks your ear.
"Duuude, what's his problem?" Larry questions his good friends, Sally and Ashley. "He must have it rough, I guess." Sally tells Larry, in his dull, monotone voice. Ashley shrugs her shoulders. "No reason to be a jackass and call us faggots, sal." Ashley proclaimed.

"Yeah, I guess so." Sally agreed.

Sally Face looked over to you.
He saw you with your back turned to them on your desk, doodling.

"Hey, Larry, isn't that the girl you have a crush on?" He pointed to you. You didn't hear, because Sally was more quiet than usual in that sentence, and because of his dull-ass voice.

"Dude! Keep it down a notch, will ya?" Larry was loud in the beginning, then grew quiet at the end of the sentence. "What's with them?" You wonder.

"Sorry." Sal pauses. "Am I wrong?" He whispers.
"Well, no... but I don't want anybody knowing it. Wait... how'd you know, sal?"

"Uh..." Sally grows silent.
"I told him." Ashley admits. "Ash!" Larry raises his voice. "Sorry, I couldn't help it. Sal won't tell anyone!" Ashley defended herself.
Now at this point, you can hear about everything. You didn't hear the part where the topic is about you, since that's when they got quiet.

"Ugh... I trust ya, sal." Sally nods. "I won't tell
Y/N a thing."

Well, you heard that.

You jumped up from the desk, putting your phone in your back pocket. You strolled over to them, while Larry's pinching Sally's back from behind.
"Don't tell me what?" You smiled.

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