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"Don't tell me what?" You smiled.

"Uh, well..." Larry hesitated. He never had a real conversation with you up to this point. Of course, he'd ask you for a pencil once in a blue moon, and he acted like you were the only one he could ask. He wanted a reason to talk to you.

     Sal pitched in. "Larry wanted to invite you to do a investigation with us."

You slightly turned your head to the side. That's not what you had in mind, exactly. You were expecting some gossip they had of you, or just something everybody knows except you. "What type of investigation?" You questioned.

"It's about the bologna in this school." Ashley responded. "The bologna sucks ass. Tastes like a corpse" You pointed out.

Larry had a sigh of relief and smiled. "Yea, dude. Somethings fishy about it. We asked the lunch lady where she got it from, and she said she got the meat from Addison Apartments."

"Oh, that's where I live." You said. "Moved in since-"
"March, yeah." Larry interrupted you.

You stared at him blankly. "How would you know that?" You questioned, raising one brow.

"Oh, uh, I've been seeing you around the school since then, so I assumed... and I live there, y'know." Larry rubs the nape of his neck.
"The part of you living there makes sense, but I joined school here in April." You stated, smiling.

"Uh..." Larry goes blank. "Must of thought you were someone else in march. I gotta take a piss." Larry speed-walks out of the classroom door.

You question what just happened, but Brung your attention to Sally Face. "What are y'all hiding?" You gave a "give it up" tone.
Ash and Sal looked at each other and giggled.
"Larry has an... interest in you." Sal spoke up.
"He basically likes you." Ashley admitted.

You give them a blank stare, your eyes looking like dots

You break out into a giggle, and a giggle turns into full-out laughter. "Me?" You said in between cackling. "Yeah, haha." Sal said.
Ashley got flustered. "But don't tell him we told you! We just thought it'd be funny if you knew." She spoke softly. "We are just messing with him."
You finished laughing a second ago. "Ah, I see." You paused. Of course they feel a tad guilty for spilling the beans about their good friend Larry, but they thought it's a good opportunity.

"Don't you feel like that's not your place to tell me that?"

You hear slow walking in the hallway, approaching the classroom. "Hey, I'm back." Larry stated. You noticed his face was a little damp. It's either he was sweating profusely, or he splashed water on his face. Either way, you think it's funny. A little too funny.
You always admired Larry and his little group. You don't know where the ginger is, but still.
You can't help but wonder, "why me? What did I do?" You only remember him asking you for pencils. He must have it because of your looks. You never considered someone liking you because of the way you look. Maybe you too, like the way he looks. Something about his rugged look, or his long shaggy hair, or even the fact that be plays the guitar. Something about that guitar is incredibly attractive.
These thoughts crowd your head, but gets caught in Larry gaze.
"hey so you in for our little expedition?"
"Bologna? Why the hell not."
He laughed. "Hell yeah!"

You, Sally Face, and Ashley looked at each other, smirking.

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