Chapter 1 Sisters

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Twenty seven year old Tawny Stark climbed from her cab in front of Stark tower. "Keep the change" she told the driver handing him a fifty. It had been about five months since she'd been home needless to say she was ecstatic.

"Daddy? Mom? Reese?" She called out as she exited the elevator.

"Tawny? That you kiddo?" A familiar voice called.

"Bruce!?" Tawny squealed happily running to the man who was like an uncle or second father to her. "I'm so happy to see you! It's been ages!"

"Hey look at you!" Bruce said happily holding her at arms length to check her over. "Wow any boys I need to go introduce the other guy to?" He teased.

Tawny rolled her eyes laughing at his overprotectiveness, "no I don't think that will be necessary. So where's everybody?"

"Your dad is where he aways is-"

"Lab" they said in unison laughing.

"Right and Pepper and Reese should be home any time now they went out shopping."

"Of course they did." Tawny laughed walking along next to Bruce as they headed to the lab.

Tawny held her finger to her lips as they entered her dad's domain signaling Bruce to be quiet. She snuck quietly across the room and covered his eyes with her hands. "Guess who?" She said attempting to deepen her voice.

"Hmmmm no idea," Tony teased before spinning around and pulling his daughter into a hug. "You forget how to get here kid?" He said in a nearly serious tone, "five months is an awful long time between visits."

"Dad you know what I was doing." She responded rolling her eyes, "besides I called literally every day."

"I know kid, still missed you." He said kissing her head.

Tawny smiled broadly, "you know I miss all of you too. So Whatcha building now?"

Tony had just turned to show her his latest project when they heard a high pitched squeal come from upstairs. He smirked at his daughters slight cringe. "Serves you right for being gone so long." he told her.

Tawny stuck her tongue out at him and looked toward the stairs waiting. It didn't take long before quick steps were heard pounding down the stairs.

"Tawny, Tawny, Tawny!!!!!!!!!" A small redheaded teen screamed as she ran into the room and straight for her sister.

"Reese, Reese, Reese!!!" Tawny mocked laughing before hugging her sister tightly. "Hey kid! Happy sixteenth!"

"Thank you," the girl grinned happily, "I'm so glad you're here!"

"Me too I missed you all tons." She said turning back to playfully mouth 'help' to the two men behind her laughing as her sister drug her away.

"Good to see you Tawny." Pepper called as she was drug passed her.

"You too mom!" She called back reaching out to hug her shoulders briefly, both women laughed at the teens eagerness to have her sister to herself.

The moment the girls were alone Tawny crossed her arms and looked sternly at her sister. "You haven't asked them have you?"

Reese hung her head guiltily, "no, I figured if you asked they'd be more likely to say yes."

"Oh come on Reese," Tawny sighed exasperated.

"You have to stay a few days at least anyway right?"

"Well yeah I want to and I'm gonna but it's gonna take a lot of convincing and it would have been easier if you'd already started."

The girls sat quietly eating dinner. Both nudging the other every couple minute.

"Ok you two what's up?" Tony finally asked placing his fork down on the table.

Tawny sighed and rolled her eyes at her younger sister, "Reese was supposed to have asked before I got here. In about three weeks I'm headed to Bangladesh to help bring water to the kids there."

"You didn't discuss this with me." Tony said crossing his arms. "Nope can't go back to dinner." He said indicating the food on her plate.

Tawny looked at her father in amusement, "daddy I am going."

Tony glared at her already aware the only way he'd keep her here would be to lock her up which he knew Pepper would never let him do. Suddenly realization dawned on his face and he rounded on his younger child. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope! You I can control," he said pointing at Reese, "you're sixteen still mine not going."

"Oh come on dad this will look good for her on college forms." Tawny argued.

"She doesn't have to look good to colleges I'm Tony Stark I'll just buy the college."

"Yes because of course Reese wants to be the girl that got in because her daddy bought the school. mom you know this would be good for her, it's not like we're going on the Afghanistan trip."

"Yeah that will not be happening ever I don't care how old you are or what Pepper says I will lock you in your room!" Tony immediately replied.

"That one I'm with Tony on." Pepper agreed causing Tony to smirk triumphantly, "however," she started and his smirk shrunk, "they're right this would be a good experience and they'd be helping people who need it."

"No" Tony replied belligerently.

"Oh come on dad?" Reese pleaded "I'll be with Tawny and all the rest of the group the whole time!"


"Pleeeeeeeease daddy?" The girls sang together advancing on their father.

"Please only works when I'm not trying to protect you."

Hours later and lots of pleading and reasoning between the women of the house and the overprotective man ended with the girls grinning and rushing off to plan while Tony sat pouting. "Maybe I'll call happy." Tony grumbled.

"Tony you are not sending happy with them" Pepper laughed.

"Oh come on Pep!?"

"No Tony." she said sternly before hugging him close. "They'll be fine ok?"

Tony sighed exasperated, "fine."


So I had this idea as I ended the first book. I hope you will all love it as much as I think I will 😉 anyway here's the first chapter love to hear your thoughts and I'll see you again soon in the next chapter

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