Chapter 10

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Lucas trudged along the weight in his arms, while not unwelcome, wearing him down. "So tell me about yourself?" He suggested noticing the awkward stiffness to the woman he carried's shoulders.

"What do you want to know?" Tawny questioned hesitantly.

"I don't know anything we're friends now I should know more about you." He said trying for a playful, teasing tone.

"Are we friends? I would have labeled us more acquaintances." She replied green eyes sparkling mischievously.

"I'm hurt!" Lucas feigned a pained expression and pretended to stumble causing Tawny to nervously hold him tighter. He grinned in triumph as she clung to his neck. "I doubt you'd cling to a mere acquaintance like this." he whispered in a gruff voice as he studied the girl he'd sworn to help.

Tawny stared back at him her heart beating wildly in her chest. "Ne-necessity," she stammered nervously licking her lips, "broken leg and all..."

"Guys come on!" A teenage voice called in exasperation a few yards ahead.

Lucas grinned once more before looking away into the brush the voice had originated from. "Coming Reese, hold up all right we need to stick together!"

The girl mumbled something that sounded like, "don't make me chaperone you two." before rolling her eyes and walking ahead, creating a trail for them to follow.

"So gonna tell me about you? How bout your dad? You said you didn't know him till you were eleven?" Luke asked returning to his original question.

Tawny sighed accepting the fact that she wasn't going to be able to change the subject easily with Luke. "Uh yeah my mom didn't tell him I existed, didn't tell me who he was. she died when I was eight and um eventually I found Tony turned out he had more daddy skills than anyone had given him credit for and here we are now."

"Mmmhmmm," Luke laughed, "I am 100% sure that's not the whole story."

"That's all I care to share for now as far as 'how I met my father' is concerned. what about you what are you doing in Bangladesh?" Tawny said quickly redirecting.

"Originally I came over here for a job was working with a fairly large company, flew a helicopter. when the day came to go back I realized there was nothing back home for me so why not just stay put? So that's what I did." Lucas shrugged, as well as one can shrug while holding another person.

"You don't have any family?" She questioned sadly.

"I did most of my life, I was lucky." Lucas trailed off the pain and regret for what he'd lost evident in his eyes. "About three weeks before I graduated high school I was out with some friends when I got a call. Something had gone wrong with the gas at my house my parents and younger sister hadn't even noticed before it was too late. Guess one of my sister's friends had come over hoping to borrow some notes or something and found them, poor girl ran home sobbing and called the cops."

"I'm so sorry Luke!" Tawny whispered sadly placing her hand gently on his shoulder. "That must have been terrible!"

"Yeah..." he sighed sadly looking away. "So tell me a funny story something good from your childhood."

"Ummmm..." Tawny hummed thoughtfully her memory scanning through her favorite memories with her family. "Oh ok I got it. So when I was fourteen I really really wanted to go to this big signing type thing one of my favorite actors was going to be there and I just had to meet them. Dad said there wasn't a good way to protect me at a signing like that and so he wouldn't let me go. So for the first time in years I broke the rules and snuck out, I was just sure I could get back before anyone had noticed. I'd only gotten about a block away when I run straight into four very irritated uncles. Turned out Loki had seen me trying to sneak away and had told Steve, Thor, and Bruce. Sadly they agreed with my dad and I didn't get to go."

Luke eyed Tawny bewildered, "and that's a happy memory because..?"

Tawny laughed he grin growing as she chuckled, "well by that time I'd been around for three years none of them had had to tell me no before and the crushed look on my face seemed to break their hearts! By the time the night was over four large men were on the balcony with me planting a fairy garden. My dad comes up from the lab looking for us and finds Thor and Loki arguing over where to put the fairy's house, Steve holding up a tiny lantern trying to catch the sun, and Bruce completely absorbed in the best way to build fairy size furniture. Dad didn't even ask just doubled over laughing! The best part was none of them ratted me out they all insisted that they'd been dying to help me with my fairy garden idea and nothing else had happened. It meant so much to me."

Lucas smiley softly setting tawny down on a boulder outside a cave Reese had lead them to. "It sounds like you had fantastic uncles."

"Yeah they're the best," she agreed wiping a tear from her eye.

"Hey we'll see them again soon," Reese reassured hugging her big sister gently. "Just you wait any day now either dad will track us down or Lucas will get us out of here. I know daddy's looking Tawny."

Tawny nodded agreement squeezing her baby sister's hand. "I'm sure you're right Reese, dad would never give up searching for us."

"Alright that's settled let's make camp I'm exhausted." Luke exclaimed settling against a tree with a sigh.

"You really shouldn't be carrying me everyday, you've been at this for nearly a week now! You must be extremely sore by this point." Tawny said guiltily.

"I'm not leaving you behind and we have to stay ahead of the people after you two." Lucas said in a slightly irritated tone, "we do this every night Tawny! I'm ok you're not changing my mind. Besides you don't have to agree to it for me to carry you, its for your own good."

Tawny sighed unable to convince him to leave her behind yet again. "I can't wait till this is over!" She thought to herself


Sorry guys I know that took a while. And nothing really changes in this chapter so sorry bout that too. Next chapter we'll see what Tony has been up to all this time. I'll try to update again very soon

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