Chapter 9

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"I'll try to get us down as gently as I can but even then...."

As he started the descent more shots hit the tail of the chopper causing it to veer wildly. "Hang on!" He shouted as the helicopter spun, the ground rising up quickly to meet them.

Tawny threw herself protectively over her sister and braced for the crash Luke's voice was the last thing she heard before darkness took her.

Luke gritted his teeth against the pain shooting through his head. Gingerly he touched his forehead his hand coming back drenched in blood. "Guess it could be worse." he chuckled sarcastically to himself before turning to check on his passengers. "Reese? Tawny? You two ok?"

Reese groaned softly in reply attempting to shift her sister off of her. "I think I'm ok, Tawny?"

Tawny's head fell lazily to the side.

"Tawny?! Sissy!? Luke?! Is, is she ok?! Luke!?" Reese called out panicking and shaking her sisters shoulder.

"Easy easy Reese don't shake her." Luke called quickly climbing back into the rear of the crumpled helicopter. He breathed a relieved sigh when he found a strong pulse. "She's fine sweetie, she's gonna be fine." He sighed rocking back onto his heels. "We need to get out of here."

"Can we even move her like this?" Reese squeaked nervously.

"Well I'm no doctor so I can't be sure of anything. What I do know is that if we stay here eventually they'll send someone to check if we survived, we probably don't wanna be here when that happens." Luke replied as he studied the bleeding knot on Tawny's head.

"How're we gonna move her unconscious like that?" Reese started to say before Lucas easily lifted her sister into his arms.

"Ready? Can you grab that duffle for me?" He said pointing towards a bag laying under his seat.

Together they headed into the jungle Reese eyeing her unconscious sister nervously. They'd been fighting their way through the thick underbrush for about three hours when Tawny began to stir in Luke's arms.

She let out a pain filled groan burying her head into his chest. "What happened?"

"We crashed." Luke replied easily.

Tawny gasped and pulled away from Luke's chest. "Luke?! Why are you carrying me? Where are we?"

Luke chuckled slightly lowering the flustered woman to the ground. "Umm I was carrying you because we needed to move and you were out cold. We are...well I can't be a hundred percent sure at this point but we're still headed west so going the right direction."

Tawny nodded as if that was the most natural response in the world before attempting to stand. She let out a pain filled yelp and fell back to the ground instantly however, reaching out to cradle her leg.

"Hey hey easy let me see." Luke reached towards her gently shifting her clothing to reveal a swollen and bruised lower leg. "Well that doesn't look good.."

"What?! Is she ok?!" Reese called worriedly hurrying to her sister's side.

"I'll be fine Reese it's just a break." The woman replied through clenched teeth.

"Oh and how would you know so well?" Luke questioned sarcastically trying to goad her and get her mind off the pain.

"Well for starters I'm a doctor, but I've had enough broken bones in my life to know what one looks and feels like." She looked down at her leg shaking her head, "besides I've broken this bone before. Hit the weak point I'd say."

Lucas took note of the obvious nonverbal conversation going on between the sisters. "Ok I'm gonna ignore the obvious secrecy going on between you two. I may not be a doctor but I know you can't walk on that and we can't stay here."

"I'm sorry," Tawny mumbled sadly.

"No need to be sorry sweetheart none of this is your fault." Luke replied gently before looking around thoughtfully. "Ok first things first we should splint that. Reese wanna help me find some straight sticks?"

They returned quickly with the sticks and began wrapping Tawny's leg as gently as possible.

"Well aren't you the Boy Scout." Tawny teased trying to ignore the pain.

"You're looking at a proud Eagle Scout right here." Lucas replied grinning before scooping her back into his arms. "Off we go."

"Lucas.." Tawny began in a scolding tone. "Luke you can't carry me all the way to India."

"You're not likely to make it yourself on that leg."

"No I know that but I'm not gonna let you kill yourself carrying me across a country." She argued.

"I'll hardly die from carrying you."

"You need to leave me behind," tawny began hurrying to finish her sentence when she noticed Reese's horrified expression. "No listen, you need to leave me here just until you can get help or transportation!"

"No." Luke replied firmly.


"No." he said his tone final.

"How could you even suggest that?! You need to stop with this 'I have to protect Reese' crap! I don't wanna lose you anymore than you want to lose me! You don't even realize how selfish you're being!" Reese snapped at her sister her cheeks going red as her temper flared.

"Reese listen-" tawny began gently.

"No you listen!" Reese snapped tears filling her eyes, "I can't lose you either Tawny, don't you get that? You're my best friend, my sister, I can't lose you."

Tawny nodded as she wrapped her hands around Luke's neck. "I'm sorry Reese."

"Good you should be." Reese replied in a sniffly tone before stomping forward through the trees.

"Well now you've done it." Luke said laughing. "Although I have to agree with her on this, you can't keep ignoring your own needs that doesn't help her."

Tawny hung her head, "its my job to protect her."

"Maybe so but you can't protect her from the big stuff if you kill yourself first refusing to let her deal with the little things."


Hi 😄 so no Tony pov this time but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. See you again soon

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