7. cliché

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will :)
i'm here, where are you

well- not hiding
i'm in disguise
big floppy hat and sunglasses
that's me

will :)

will approaches the table that veronica seemed to be sitting at.

"veronica?" he says to the woman at the table.

"hi will" veronica says, standing up.

"it's good to see you" he smiles, going to hug her.

"it's good to see you too" she smiles, hugging him back.

"so do you want to go in and order?"  he asks.

"yeah" she nods, walking towards the door.

time skip

"so we're gonna go back to my place, if that's alright. it's right down the road" she smiles.

"sounds good. what movie are we going to watch?" he says, following her as they walk side by side in the side walk.

"uhhh i don't. we could watch an old horror movie? like a slasher of some sorts" she suggests to him.

"oh yeah that sounds good" he responds.

will's hand brushes up against veronica's, causing them both to turn red.

"we're here" veronica says softly as they approach a door. wilbur follows close as she goes up her stairs, revealing her home.

"this is my home" she smiles softly, taking off her coat and hanging it up on the rack.

"it's very homey" he smiles, observing the decorations that consisted of shelves with miscellaneous nick knacks and plants.

"do you like cats?" she asks, walking towards a room.

"uhm- yes. i fucking love them" he says.

"ok, we'll i have two. this is cinnamon toast crunch, but i just call her toast" veronica says, grabbing toast and showing her to wilbur.

"OMG MY GOD" he gasps. "she's adorable. can i hold her?" he asks.

"oh yes of course" she smiles, handing the cat to him.

"and this is cheerio, he is a fan favorite" veronica says, showing off her other cat.

"CHEERIO? your cats' names are amazing" he smiles, admiring the two cats.

"they are my children. i don't know what i'd do without them. i love them so much" veronica explains as she pets cheerio. then her phone starts buzzing.

"oh it's taylor- do you mind if i take this?" she asks.

"go ahead" he smiles.

"hey taylor what's up?"

"hey veronica. so, our plumbing like broke at the house and i need somewhere to stay until they can fix it on sunday. do you think i could come stay with you?"

"oh yeah of course. you'll just get to meet wilbur sooner than expected."

"oh perfect! i can't wait. i'm getting in the car right now, i'll see you in about 2 hours"

"bye taylor, cya soon!" veronica says, hanging up.

"ok so, taylor swift's plumbing is broken and can't get fixed until sunday, so she's coming over to stay here" veronica explains to wilbur.

"oh my! wait- does that mean i get to meet her tonight?" he asks.

"i mean- depends on how long you stay" veronica chuckles.

"i'll stay as late as you want, veronica." he chuckles back. "shall we watch that movie?" he smiles.

"we shall" she smiles back, joining him as he sits down on her couch.

the two start the movie, after about 15 minutes, wilbur does the classic fake yawn move, putting his arm around her.

"real smooth will" she chuckles lightly, leaning her head against his arm.

after about an hour, veronica falls asleep, still snuggled up beside wilbur.

just around when the movie ended, there was a knock at the door.

"veronica" wilbur whispers, nudging her softly.

"hmm" she groans back, snuggling her head closer to his shoulder.

"i think taylor is here" he tells her.

"oh" she says, opening her eyes and then rubbing them. "can you get the door?" she asks him.

"uh- yeh" he says, getting up and walking towards the door. he opens it, revealing taylor swift.

"oh! hi. you must be wilbur. i'm taylor" taylor smiles.

"hi taylor, it's a pleasure to meet you" wilbur smiles back.

"hi taylor" veronica says, sticking her head up from the couch.

"she just woke up" wilbur whispers to taylor.

"ah, i see. i'll let you two finish up you're date." taylor smiles, walking over to the guest room.

"thank you taylor" veronica smiles. she gets up and walks over towards wilbur.

"i presume you're probably inclined to leave since my other guest is here now, which i completely understand" veronica chuckles lightly.

"yeah, but i really appreciate you asking me out, and i hope we can do this again. i had a lot of fun. and i love your cats" he says.

"yeah, i had a lot of fun too will. and uhm- oh god. i really like you, and i'd love to do this again" veronica says looking up at him.

"i really like you too veronica" he smiles, he wraps his arms around her and pulls her into a hug.

after a moment or two he let's go, still leaving his face close to hers.

"veronica" he breathes out softly.

"yes will?" she says, copying his tone.

"can i kiss you?" he asks, moving his hand so it would be gently cupping her cheek.

"yeah" she smiles softly.

he leans and kisses her softly.

veronica has kissed a lot of boys, but this kiss was the best kiss she's ever experienced.

he pulls away but keeps his hand on her cheek.

"goodbye veronica, i'll see you later" he says kissing her forehead and opening the door, leaving.

"goodbye wilbur" she responds softly.

she missed the touch of his soft lips against hers, she longed for them even.

"VEE" taylor squeals, running over to her.

a big smile grows on veronica's face, and she starts jumping around full of excitement.


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