chapter one: new apartment

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NOELLE DAVIS had finally closed the wound left by the boy who had broken her heart. And now, she was off to be one of the youngest assistant directors.

Her dad had a friend in the industry reach out when he heard about the position and somehow Noelle was able to get it.

She had always loved the big screen. Going to premiers with her family, studying the scenes and the cinematic choices made by directors.

It was at a young age she knew this is where she wanted to be.

Sure, moving to England alone during her last semester of high school to work on a film set for the first time wasn't the smartest choice but, if she wanted to chase her dreams she couldn't turn down this opportunity.

The girl looked around the outside of the airport for the cast member that was supposed to show her the ropes. She was about to get her phone out when she was approached by a tall dark-haired guy.

"Are you Noelle Davis?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. . .Will, right?" She bit her lip and gave him a hopeful look.

"That's me," he grinned, "so I'm your chauffeur for the next few days, eh?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I can't get my rental until Friday since I had to change my flight so suddenly—" she began to ramble.

"Well, if it wasn't for you we probably wouldn't even get to film so soon," Will pointed out.

"Really?" She looked up at him as they walked over to his car.

"Yeah, also how did you get so lucky with becoming an assistant director at seventeen?" He wondered as he opened his trunk and helped her put her bags in.

"As much as I hate to admit it, my dad probably has a pretty big part in it. He's directed a few Netflix specials and some other stuff so, uh, connections," she shrugged.

"Well, it'll be nice to have someone our age on the whole creative side of things, you know? Plus, everyone has to get into this industry somehow."

"Yeah, I suppose so, so how have your first week of rehearsals been?" She asked.

"Pretty good, there have been a few disagreements with the creative team but besides that, you'll make up for the missed time right away," He smiled at her as they drove down the road.

"Disagreements?" Noelle hated confrontation.

"Some of the people who don't have creative say have a little too much input, but with you there maybe they'll ease up."

She didn't think much of it.

"So, what's the costume crew like? Have you met them yet?" Noelle inquired curiously.

"Everyone gets to see the final decision on Friday, if there are any changes after that it's the last time they can say anything so that they have time to go out and get the stuff. They honestly don't like us very much I don't think."

"Why's that?"

"Obviously I know they've been doing their job for a long time but they don't really know how to accept criticism from anyone of any position. . .just, they are very-- opinionated," It took him a bit to find the right words.

"It was like that on the sets my dad often worked on as well, kinda stressful but I'm just trying to enjoy my first experience getting to be an assistant director," She smiled.

"Well you have some practice from your dad which is good, and starting young must be crazy," He said as her began to drive once more.

"Crazy's one way to put it," She sighed before the car fell into a comfortable silence. There were a few words exchanged here and there but both of them were tired for their different reasons so it was mostly quiet.

About an hour later they pulled into a small parking lot next to the apartment building which was only about four stories tall.

"D'you have a place to sleep in there besides the floor?" Will asked as they got her bags from the trunk.

"It came furnished," She smiled.

"That's good," He sighed tiredly as they walked into the elevator after grabbing the key which was left on the front desk.

They walked down the poorly-lit hallway until they reached the apartment which matched the number on the key.

The door swung open revealing the open concept apartment which had the basic furniture and a pretty modern style to it.

"You can just put those there," She pointed to a spot in the corner.

"It's surprisingly nice," Will looked around the room quickly.

"Yeah, well thanks again. I really appreciate it," She smiled genuinely.

"I will be here tomorrow right at seven, there's the full cast read through tomorrow so we'll need to be there on time for that and it starts at about eight," He told her as he read the schedule on his phone.

"I'll be ready."

"Night, Noelle," He smiled before exiting the apartment.

Noelle grabbed her suitcases and brought them over to the bedroom before setting them on the floor in the corner. She got out her outfit for the next day and set it on the dresser before grabbing a crewneck and some simple plaid pajama pants.

She hadn't bought bedding yet so she opted for sleeping on the couch, not wanting to sleep on the bare mattress.

Noelle made it so that her makeup bag was ready and her straightener would just have to be plugged in.

Moments later she plugged her phone in and found herself scrolling on Instagram looking at pictures of her friends all at some party. She continued scrolling and watching people's stories and she hadn't even noticed as time flew by and her alarm already went off.

Today was going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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