all just a dare (part 3)

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"y/n!" jj said very surprised and now very nervous.

 "tell me what jj?" you said with a little nervous laugh. 

Jj looked a pope and pope widened his eyes signaling jj to tell you.

 "y/n come can i talk to you in private" he said .

 "yea sure" you responded as he brought you in to john bs guest bedroom.

 "whats up" you said. 

"so there's obviously something going on between us right?" jj said to you.

 "yeah i mean i like you a lot, and I was getting a vibe you maybe liked me too I don't know" you said with your eyes big realizing what you just confessed.

 jj smiled at your response but then frowned a little realizing what he had to tell you.

 "whats wrong?" you said to jj. 

"well of course i like you back, im crazy about you but i have to tell you something that i think will change your feelings about me." jj responded. 

"jj i like you i promise a stupid little secret about you wont make me like you any less, what do have like a 6th toe or something" you said with a laugh.

 "you were a bet" jj blurted out. 

"a bet? what do you mean a bet?" you said slightly annoyed now. 

"at the party where i first met you, you told pope that you have never been in love so i bet him that i could make you fall in love with me but -" he began to say really fast but you cut him off with tears forming in your eyes.

"no, no there cant possibly be a but after that. i was a fucking bet jj." you said to him walking away but he grab your shoulders firmly infront of him.

 "no y/n but as you started to fall in love with me, i started to fall back, you've made me feel things i've never felt before ever." he said. 

you just started into his eyes with tears on both of your faces, you wanted so bad to believe him but you couldn't. You just stormed out through the door and passed pope to run home.

 "y/n wait please" jj said running after you.

"jj let her go" pope held his shoulder as jj cried. 

———3 days later——-

three days have gone buy as you stayed in your room avoiding  jj, just watching the phone ring as he called you hour after hour.

You finally decided to pick up your phone and saw a text from jj appear

'please y/n im sorry. meet me at the doc please i need to talk to you'.

 You decided to go meet him, you threw on a tshirt and some shorts and walked to the doc. when you got there he was sitting there with his head down kicking his feet above the water. 

"hi" you said and he whipped his head around.

"Hi y/n I didn't think you would show up" he said with a smile wiping his tears.

This poor boy infront of you looked like he hadn't slept in days and you did feel sorry for him but what he did to you was terrible so you had a right to be angry. 

"yea well you have me here now so talk" you said with a slight attitude in your voice.

"ok yea im sorry. what I wanted to say before and never got the chance to say is that im really really sorry and this was taken so far out of what it was supposed to be I just knew it as soon as I saw you that I was going to fall in love with you, I mean look at you- " he started to say. 

you gave him a small smile but not big enough so that he would see

"the Pogues know im not one to fall in love and be all cheesy but with you a knew so I told pope I was going to make it a bet so maybe this 'bet' would stop me from falling to quickly and scaring you away, so I just told him that so he would think that jj maybank was going soft for a girl. but its true I am, I love you y/n and I don't care who knows it." he said and took a small breath at the end. 

What he did still wasn't right and you knew he couldn't change what he did but you really did believe him and you obviously couldn't ignore your feelings for him ether. without saying a word you slowly moved closer to him and planted a kiss on his lips slowly. leaving you both looking down with your foreheads pressed against one another's in silence with smiles growing upon your faces. 

" I love you too jj."

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