Disability is Only in the Mind, Not in Love

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He contracted Polio as a child, but never felt different from the others. He always maintained a positive attitude because of his mom. He even got a secure bank job.
It all started when his brother signed him up in the matrimonial column for the differently abled: A 37-year-old man with a bank job and caste was not an issue. Her family came into the picture and even in their first meet, she expressed that she wanted to marry him.
Her hand was disfigured and she always covered it with her shawl or 'dupatta'. She never let her hand appear in any photographs. He told: "Why? You’re perfect!"

They moved into their own house after a child was born and many were skeptical if they can live on their own. "If we ever had to run behind our daughter or I needed to reach for something on a shelf, she was my saviour and if she needed help with her papers, bank errands or vegetable cutting, I took over. Slowly, we built our sweet, simple life together."
Recently, they went on their first foreign trip together to Switzerland. "She was so cutely scared during take-off and landing that she clutched my arm throughout—I enjoyed every minute! So this it, the funda to a happy marriage- trust, love and respect. It’s been 29 years of being perfect halves... so you will have to take our word for it!”

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