The Real Ram and Janu from '96' (With a Happy Ending)

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They were together until 3rd grade and every day after school, he’d run to the bus to hold the window seat for her. "We didn’t know why it was important, but we had to sit together. It was so sweet and innocent."
They continued to be best friends. One day in Class 4, he didn’t come to school for a few days. Yes, he moved to a different school and she was devastated. For 9 years, she had been missing and thinking about him—9 YEARS!

"When we were in the 12th, Orkut was the new thing! Apparently, he looked for me, but it had a ‘$’ instead of an ‘S’, so he couldn’t find me. Determined, he asked a mutual friend. I was out when this friend called me–I dropped everything & rushed home. My heart was racing as I waited for the dial-up internet to connect."
She accepted his request and got his number from a friend. Immediately, they reconnected. Most parts of the dating phase was long-distance but they never gave up on the relationship.
"When people say ‘long distance never works’, it’s not true—if you’re in love, you can make it work! He moved around, but the love was constant."

They got married after the girl proposed to him in a grand manner at her home with candles, balloons and a cake. On a banner, she wrote, ‘Will you grow old with me?’

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