Overworked and Exhausted

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Linda's POV: Something is off about my Bobby today. He has more drag to his step than usual and he's sweating a lot more than he usually does. So much so, Teddy is starting to worry that his burger of the day might drown. "You okay, Bobby? You're lookin' a little pale." I comment, hoping he at least look my direction so I can get an better read on him. He mutters back "I'm fine, Lin, I'm just a little tired today." "Than normal you mean." Gene adds as he strolls into the restaurant kitchen. "Yeah he looks like he's seen a ghost, or worse. his own blood!" Louise says. "Louise." Bobby says firmly. "You know me and the kids can take over the restaurant if your feelin' icky Bobby." I add to make him feel more comfortable. The kids sit at the counter growing worried for their father. "I told you I'm fine, I'm not sweating that much am I? Oh yeah I am." Bob mutters as he brings Teddy his burger. "Bobby I think you should sit down and rest awhile, you look like you're about to pass out." I say as he starts swaying and leans against the counter for support. "Yeah, you might wanna catch me." He trails off and falls backwards.

Bob's POV: When did I close my eyes? Wait, why am I in our living room? The coolness of this wet towel feels nice though. Wait! I need to get back to the restaurant. I start to sit up but I'm interrupted. "Oh no you don't mister, you're stayin' on this couch till your fever dies down." "Lin, I'm okay, I can work just fine." I groan, knowing well that it isn't gonna change  her mind. "Oh my god, well if your not gonna let me work can you at least work in the restaurant? We can't afford to not work." Linda brushes her hand through my sweaty thinning hair and says "Tina and Louise are gonna watch over you while Gene, Teddy and I take over the restaurant." I sigh and respond "Oh god, fine at least the restaurant stays open and we make a bit of money." "That's right, just get some well deserved rest, my wobbly Bobbly." She says as she kisses my cheek and heads back downstairs. God, I love that woman and my kids.

Timeskip to the end of the day~

Tina's POV: "HA, I beat you losers for the 5th time!" Louise shouts as she stands up and brushes the uno cards off the table in her victory rampage. It was Louise 7, Dad 4, and me 0 but who's counting anyway. "Hi my babies, are you doin' okay?" Mom asks as her and Gene come upstairs. "Amazing, Mom I'm won 7 out of 11 on these fools!" Louise yells at Mom, still having that pump of adrenaline. "Alriiiight, good for you Louise." "Dad's fever is gone Mom, he just had to take a nap I guess." I say  "Yeah, I must admit, I do feel better now." Dad admits as Mom sits in his lap and wraps her arms around his neck. Mom laughs at him and teases him for being so stubborn. "Well let me tell you about My day, it was complete crap, except for the working with Mom part, that was fun." I love this family.

The End! I love this TV show and the Movie was absolutely incredible! Hopefully you guys like these oneshots as much as you liked the haikyuu ones! Later 🤟🏾

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