Castle swimmer but, wait what?

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"Siren, can I ask something, if your comfortable?" Kappa asked siren shyly as he swam up to his lover.

"Of course darling. What is it?" Kappa was flustered, and siren was down right confused why.

"I wanna..." he mumbled. "What was that dear? You said it too quietly." "I wanna try for a baby."

That was definitely not the answer siren was expecting. "But, we're, boys kappa." Siren tried to say.

"Oh yes I'm quite aware of that. But I remember hearing something once."

"Are you three by chance, the Octalia?" Nothing much about what the herm was saying seemed to catch kappas ear. Well, except for this part.

"And they even use their magic to make children." Kappa was always one who loved kids and has always wanted a kid of his own.

Too bad he doesn't have magic. That would be so cool to make a child like that.

"So yeah..." kappa turned his bright red face away from his equally flustered lover. "So, we use our magic..." "yes yes let's not talk too much about it alright?" Kappa was quick to end that sentence.

"Well, alright then. If, you want to."

Kappa sat up and looked down at his sleeping boyfriend. He could barely believe that just happened.

He was wondering, what would happen. He would have to ask the only person he knew had experience with that.


"Well uh, why are you asking this kappa, dear?" She looked rather embarrassed talking about it.

"Because I may have just gotten pregnant." Kappa answered smoothly. Nethemir fell from a chair in the other room, mono shot her head up from sleeping.

"THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?" Nethemir slammed the door open. "Surprise?" Kappa tried.

"Oh boy, mono?" She went back to sleep. "Oh my god. Come on mucku, kappa. We need to talk."

"So this happened, last night correct?" Nethemir asked. Kappa nodded feeling nervous like he was in an interrogation.

"Have you been feeling sick lately? Maybe a loss of hunger? And more commonly in this," she sighed. "Have you been feeling sexually active?" "BICHWHATTHEFU-"

"Uh, kinda yes, definitely yes, and, I don't think so." Kappa tried to answer. "Okay, they should come in about a week then." Nethemir said to herself.

"For someone who has no interest in romance, you know a lot about this." Kappa laughed.

"It's normals health stuff people learn." She shrugged. "But what did you mean by that?" Kappa asked.

"So I suppose it's like an egg right? Black smoke will form and there you have your first egg. Normally you'll have about.... Hmmm... nine or ten. Mostly because sadly most of them die."

"Your probably going to end up with two or three kids. For all we know you could get your first one right n-" oh boy. Here we go.

After 30 minutes.

"You probably want to stay with us. It's safer to not be with your partner until the children are born for reasons I don't care to explain." Kappa was too fixated in his new unborn baby.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He said happily. "I'll send a note. He'll have to stay here for about nine months. This will kill siren." Nethemir said picking up a scroll.

After Nethemir was done writing she gave the note to kappa to write something to siren.

"Hm? What's this?" Siren was confused at mucku in front of his door with a scroll at hand.

Castle swimmer but.... One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now