Castle swimmer but, actually i have to fooking idea

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"You do realize how important you job as the beacon is, right?" Someone screamed at me.

"Please ma'm. I just want to live." This wasn't even the worst reaction I've gotten.

"I don't care! Damn the surface god shouldn't even give you rights! You deserve to get ****ed!" That was slightly new.

"You? Wanna stop being the beacon? Yeah right." I sighed. I am Tired of this. "Sir I just want to live normally."

"You should go k!ll yourself you know? If you hate how you live so much? Yeah, go k!ll yourself okay?" "Alright sir."

"What even worse is that you GAY." She slapped me across the face. "Hey leave him alone!" I'm not that happy siren came along. He doesn't have to see this.

"Don't talk back to me! Respect your elders!" The fighting went on and on till siren noticed I was crying.

"Come on kappa. Someone is too disrespectful for your choices." We both swam away.

"Are you okay kappa?" Siren asked taking me to a small cave. "I'm, fine." I said. "Kappa, your crying. And not even trying to hide it."

"I hate this. I hate all of this. He was so right I should just go k!ll myself!" I yelled. "NO KAPPA!" Siren hugged me tightly.

"Please don't leave me kappa." He cried. I had no response. Jesus. I just want to be normal.

"But I'm so tired of this siren! Why do I get told that i should be ****ed because i want to live normally?" He held onto me tighter.

" i have an idea kappa." We both pulled out of the hug and looked at each other.

"Are you sure about this siren?" I asked. "It's our only shot. Let's take it." So he took my hand and we both swam towards the surface.

"How long did you swim for?" Siren asked. I shrugged. "Days. I stayed awake for days trying to get up here."

"Here. You can go to sleep. I'll do all the swimming okay?" I smiled tiredly at him.

"Hey kappa, look." Siren lightly shook me awake. "Yeah?" I mumbled. "Your scales are purple!" He pointed out.

But a smile did not come to me. "I, don't really like my scales." I mumbled. "Oh. I'm sorry why is that kappa?" I remained silent

"Well it's okay if you don't wanna say it." He smiled. I forced a smile back and sighed. "Now you go to sleep. It's been awhile."

"It's been half am hour." "That's too long for me. I'm fine."

I honestly enjoyed holding onto siren while he slept. I didn't even mind how tired I was. And for once in a long time, i genuinely smiled.

"Siren, siren wake up. Look" he dizzily looked up and saw the light. "I think we're almost there, but don't pass out. That's how i failed."

We both swam up to the surface slowly. While deja vu came back to me. The feeling that I was being crushed by the water.

"Siren?" I looked over to see that he passed out from the pressure. Oh well, I'm on my own now.

I grabbed onto him and swam up quicker. "I've got this siren." I whispered.

Just as I felt like it was going to fail I reached my hand up and felt a dry and cold atmosphere.

I swam up higher and suddenly felt much better. Like my lungs got cleared of something.

"Siren, siren love wake up." I shook him. His hair was all damp and less flowy. Huh. That's weird.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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