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jeno and the others were no different from what happened to junhao .

they got laughed at everytime they pass by students , let it be juniors or seniors .

so jeno , today decided to stay at home ─ bawling his eyes out for a whole day in the same position .

and then , a message came from his phone , and his eyes moved to his phone while he checks it


weird hoes


you aren't overthinking
are you?

none of you went to
school today

yang , you alr know
the answer to that .

we just can't help it

it's all because of
that minhoe

don't worry guys

maybe she will try to
get out of this and
she will def realise
that we aren't like that

i mean ─ she ain't the
type to go to conclusions
so quick


i agree guys

she is fighting too

fighting to escape from this
shitty situation that minhee
brought us to

let's just wait and let this
go with the flow



he placed his phone down and put it on silent mode , muttering nonsense under his breath

" jeno , dear " mrs.lee called for her son from outside the door " may i please come in? "

and as if she could read his mind ─ his mother entered the room and jeno could hear the door closing

after a minute or so he felt his mother embrace him in a hug " my son ─ why are you crying? " she pat her hand on his back slowly ─ knowing that it calms him down whenever he is upset

she didn't receive a reply but waited , she knew what her child needed was just a hug and some space

" oh don't cry jeno , everything will be fine sooner i am sure of it " his mother reassured


" so what now? " jiwon asked while serving chicken on her friends table before taking a seat

" i dont know , maybe we wait for her to cool down? " donghyuck replied with a shrug before taking a coke

" junie is strong enough to know that we would not do that to her so maybe the secret made her triggered " jeno pointed out

it was true though ─ in a way

" so are we really going to be sleeping on this problem and not fight back like junhao is doing? come on guys we are better than this " xiaojun scolds the youngers

" mark will be disappointed if i tell him you guys lost hope in trying to help junhao " mentioning the canadians name made them shocked abit ─ they really forgot about their own friend did they?

" y'all hyuck told me what happened and just like what xiaojun said i am disappointed of all of you " the appearance of mark made them startled , but they kind of got used to it .

" come on guys you could've seized the opportunity ! losing a girls trust will make it hard for someone to win it back you know " the canadian scolds his friends like a mother scolding her kids for getting low grades

" jiwon , meilin , don't tell me you don't know what to do either... " the two females looking down which gave mark a hint 

" okay you know what , i think need jungwoo hyungs presentation about females for this " mark muttered under his breath 

" hyung that's the problem ─ she is not someone who gets dramatic and girly " jeno scoffed and shoved some chips in his mouth , devouring the taste

but then , meilin changed the conversation when she realised " hey hasn't jisung been quiet for a while now? " and then , everyones attention diverted to the youngest who was glaring at jeno

he hadn't spoken a word especially after yelling at him and punching jeno after she left ─ even though jeno didn't know any reason why he would get angry at him .

" you guys are so stupid " he spat out , sipping on his coke .



y diagnostic school test
is in two weeks gosh

do you think they will earn her trust easily?

the only one ; l.jnWhere stories live. Discover now