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as junhao turns to the seniors side , she was making sure to run away from the ball making sure to not miss a step

but then , a huge sound echoed turf ─ more like a scream " ouch ! junhao why are you pushing me? " minhee cried out as she pushed the younger before she fell on the ground herself ─ junhao grit her teeth , trying to not cry as she got pushed to the fake grass ground with a bruised leg .

minhee's minions ran to her , alongside everyone 

" junhao ! why would you push minhee? are you jealous of her? " gahyun yelled at her bestfriend while she ran to minhee along with jieun

looking down , junhao bit her lip ─ she didn't know what she was feeling at all

was it guilt? sadness? anger? she didn't know anymore .

she stood up , legs trembling abit but she tried to ignore that feeling ─ until she suddenly someone squats down infront of her , and junhao getting the hint she wrapped her hands around his neck , letting him carry her as she knew who he was 

lee jeno

" lets get your leg treated " he softly mumbled , and she hid her face near his neck ─ not wanting anyone to see her face as they walked by the hallways until they reached the nurses office .

opening the door , the scent of medicine hit their noses while they enter the room , junhao helping him close the door and when they reach the white empty bed jeno leant down , letting her sit down as he grabs some alcohol and cotton balls that were on a thin grey metal tray .

" junie " he calls out her nick name , as he sat down infront of the girl who looked like she would start crying any moment and pulled up the sleeve of her left leg which revealed the black ─ ish purple bruise 

" hey guys i heard what happened to junha ─ " yangyang came with a girl beside him , his words getting cut off to see the younger being all quiet and awkward with jeno , jeno being all focused on the bruise .

suddenly the girl sat beside junhao while placing a hand on her shoulder " girl i heard about your friends ditching you for that make-up addicted clown and i AM ABOUT TO THROW HANDS " the girl exclaims while junhao looked at the girls name tag 

tu meilin 

" i can't even believe it , why does every one get happy ending but you get stuck suffering " with meilin being abit clingy towards the younger , junhao knew nothing on what to feel at all

her mind was just blank ─ memories flooded in her mind .

( TRIGGER WARNING ( ? ) : mentions of underage rape )

she was only fourteen .

yet still , the sixteen year old gave no care back then ─ he enjoyed the sight of seeing her scream in pain 

" let go of me , yoo sungwon ! " she felt tears run through her cheeks ─ junhao wanted to just run away from him , run away from everyone 

sungwon unbuttoned her shirt with one hand , the other holding her wrists over her head as his eyes were now on her revealed chest ─ he licked his lips at the sight 

" don't do it " she breathed out , her eyes shut tight . but will he ever listen? no

he started being all touchy , and she hated it .

as junhao could not handle it any more she screamed loud ─ and the door busts open revealing gahyun , jieun , and some teachers 

as some teachers scolded the boy , a  teacher came up to her before helping her stand up " oh my , kid i am so sorry you went through this " she whispered , as junhao started crying .

they ended up calling her parents to send her home , and while waiting near the school's office , she asks her friends " why are you here with me? do you not find it disgusting to have such a friend like me? " junhao asked 

" little hao , we don't find you disgusting ─ it's his fault not yours , just because you lost your virginity to a disgusting person like him doesn't mean you should blame yourself " gahyun comforted , jieun agreeing 

" so.... you won't leave me? "  junhao asks , and jieun nods , alongside with gahyun who smiled " we will always be friends with you no matter what ─ no sarcasm " jieun says as they happily did a group hug 



 i am going to be busy today lmfao

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