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18th century;

It was a disastrous sight to see.
Burning of cottages, blood everywhere. The creatures who were stronger then those mere humans lied with their own pool of blood.
The Humans killing everyone of them.
Why not- for them, they were nothing but monsters who were living among the humans which can be great threat, for these shapeshifters want nothing but flesh and blood.

The dark silent night filled with cries and howls. Even though they are monsters but still they are one of the living creatures just like the humans. They too want to survive, is that too much to ask. Bodies of little children, women lied. Some heads cut off, some heart rip off.

"Elder, the humans are not stopping. They will come again. If these goes on, then the extinction of werwolves is near.", One of them said to the older man who sat seeing the sight infront.
"Elder, we didn't do anything to them then why are they doing this. We are also a living being just like them.", Another one agonized.

The elder stood now moving forward walking among the pool of bodies. His eyes met the moon that was shining above him, radiating her light down. .
"Is this what you want? Are you not going to help your children moongoddess?", The elder said softly looking towards the shining light. His eyes moist now not having any answer.
And suddenly the sky darken as the clouds cover the moon and right infront of him came a source of light that soon turned into a beautiful woman wearing a white flowy dress. Her eyes blue , skin pale hair long falling till her waist. Her lips gave a tender smile.

The crowd came in bowing before her, while the elder stood looking at her.
"There are some things that are bound to happen, and no one can stop it, not even me.".
"So, it's the end of our kind?"
"When there is an end, there is also a beginning of something new."
"I don't understand, Moongoddess. Everyone is dying here.", The elder cried this time.
The moongoddess, smiled.
She looked around when she saw 5 boys looking at her as they sat on their knees. When their eyes met her she smiled at them as they bowed once again.

"My children, please come here".
The 5 boys who sat their stood up walking towards her.
The elder didn't say anything just stayed silent.
"What are your names?", The moongoddess ask smiling.
"My name is Kim Namjoon, and this is my younger brother, Kim Taehyung. These are our friends, Min Yoongi, Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok."
The boy said with a deep stern voice.
"And your family", the moongoddess ask even if she knows their answer.
"They killed them", The boy name Jimin said with gritted teeth as his eyes moist up.
Namjoon held his shoulder, "we are family to each other now, and they are my brothers I will take care of", Namjoon said being the oldest.

The moongoddess smile blessing them.
"If I tell you that you can avenge your family will you do it?"
"Always", Taehyung said confidently.

"If I tell you I will bless you with immortality, will you be able to take it?"
The boys look at each other, when the elder came forward.
"How my goddess, werewolves are strong but still we are mortal creatures".

" I will give you my strongest warrior, a warrior i created just like how I created you all. He alone has the power of ten werewolves, but he is not one of you but stronger and smarter. I will give you a protector,a leader, a king you will follow...", She looked towards the five boys , "only I ask you to give him your loyalty, be brothers to each other, be a family to each other. Follow him, and you shall perish. Many generation will come and go, but you six will stay like the pillar of your being. Will you do it?"

The boys looked at each other as Namjoon walked forward, he kneeled on his one knee as the other four followed him.
"We give you our words Moongoddess, if we die we die for him, if we live , we live for him. We swear it with our blood."
Namjoon's flanges emerged as he bite his own wrist as the red liquid flowed while the other four did the same.

The moongoddess closed her eyes as a loud howl was heard and sooner a creature came in view, larger and bigger then any werewolves anyone has ever seen. Deadlier then ever. He came running in his four legs but once he stopped he stood on his two hovering over everyone. The others eyes open wide seeing the thing. Dark fur like the darkest night.
"Wha-what is it?", The elder ask.

"He is my warrior, the king, the leader I will give you..", the moongoddess said as the creature turned himself into a human now standing same as the other, his face came into view - eyes darker then the black, face ethereal like a god , body sculpted -
"Jeon Jungkook, the Lycan king".
He stood silent behind the Moongoddess.

The five boy stood up, their wrist still bite open. The moongoddess walk towards them as she held each of their hands healing the wound.
"Jungkook, my son.", She called him as Jungkook walked towards her now coming face to face with the boys.
"You all will be given a new life, a life with new powers, powers you will need to protect your clan."

As she said that, Jungkook went to each of them biting their wrist as they hissed in pain. Sooner all five of them fell on their knees as their body burned like fire.
"Moo-moongoddess what---"
"Only a true blood lycan can create another Lycan by giving his blood to them. And Jungkook is a true blood Lycan. First of his kind. And this five boys are the first ones he created with his blood. They will be the strongest after him. "
She said as the boys fell on the grown felling pain,their scream turned into howls as their body started to transform. Now not just like a normal werwolves but 10 times bigger then them. Only by one sight they can say they are stronger, stronger then they ever was. Jungkook too transform into his Lycan form. All six with dark black fur only their eye colors different. Namjoon with blue , while Taehyung had green, Jimin purple, Hoseok white , Yoongi grey and lastly Jungkook's red.

They stood straight groaning infront of moon goddess. She blessed them as they heard some noises coming their way.
"The humans", the elder muttered.
The six lycans howled as Moon goddess uttered, "Go, protect your clan - avenge the dead".

The six lycans howled ready to run leaded by their leader, their king. The Lycan king.


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