Part 7-A Friend needs Help

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Farran fly towards me, agresively. I dodged it and Apparate to some rock. I can see Farran is ready to spit his flames at me

Lucas : come on, man. You're one of my family

He spit his blue flames at me but i manage to draw my wand and then cast my own spell

Lucas : Reverte Protego!

I block the fire and then i put my hand in front of me. A large force that produce by the power of the fire hits Farran, make him stumble. He compose himself and spit flames at me again. I push the flames upwards and blast it back to the dragon. Farran hits the fire and growing weak

Lucas : he's not in a good condition. He's tortured

I immediately went for the egg and grabs it. When i grab it, many people cheered for me. But then, they all stop when i put the egg and my wand on the ground. I walk slowly to Farran and i can hear many people said that I'll kill myself and how an idiot i am

Lucas : Farran? Hello

Farran wakes up and immediately growl at me

Lucas : it's me. Lucas. I don't have anything that can hurt you. Please, it's me

I slowly come to him and hold his chains

Lucas : Relashio

The chains fall to the ground as he start to relaxed

Lucas : see? It's fine

Farran start to calm down and let out a soft growl. He put his snot to me as i gently pat his head

Lucas : there you go... there you go

I said softly as it calm him down. Then i can hear a voice... more like a roar. I see the sky and it was the Hungarian Horntail. It flies down and try to attack me. I use my wandless magic to get my wand and fired my spell to it, make it land down roughly. Farran also readied himself

Suddenly, i have a vision on me bathing with something. I messed up and The Horntail almost hits me with it's tail. I fall down and lost control of my wand, releasing it. The Horntail is about to swing his tail to me as i close my eyes but the tail didn't come to my face. When i open my eyes, Farran's bite the Horntail's tail and swing it. I grab my wand and Apparate to Farran's back. Farran span his wings to make himself more intimidating. I raise my wand and fired my spell to the Horntail. Farran also spit  his flames to the Horntail, resulting the Horntail to retreat with many scars. After that, i jump off from Farran and grabs the egg. All of the people cheered as i push the egg to the air. I look back at Farran. He bows at me as i bow him back. I go to him and hug his snot

Lucas : you can go home now

Then Farran fly out of the place as i wondered again about my visions

Lucas : what is that all about?


Great Hall

Turns out, Ron is already having a truce with Harry and also me, surprisingly. Same as ever, reading my Dad's diary again. I see that Harry is spilling his drink from his mouth

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